Chapter twenty six

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Demi's POV

"Demetrius passed away at 11.39am" my body froze.

Demetrius passed away.

Demetrius is dead.

Demetrius is gone.

You will never see Demetrius again.

My head was trying to make sense of what had just happened but it couldn't. They were standing there telling me my perfect little nephew was dead. This had to be some kind of sick joke. I stood up by my legs were jelly and I went crashing to the floor scattering the deck of cards I was shuffling. I was overrun with emotions and sat there letting the tears poor. I hear a shriek above me and look up to see Alexis an absolute mess, holding her head in her hands screaming. I look to Marissa whose sitting there sobbing none of us able to believe what we have been told.

"Where is he? Can we see him?" Marissa asked breaking the silence.

"He's in the morg. How bout I give you guys a few minutes to make some phone calls and what not and then I'll come back to take you down." The doctor said.

"That will be great, thanks" Marissa answered turning around and facing Alexis.

I pushed myself up off the ground and look at the two of them. We are all a mess, I grab my phone off the bed.

"I'll make those calls aye?" I asked looking at them.

They both nodded in agreement and I pushed speed dial bringing up my moms number. Pushing the green talk button it began to ring.

"Hi baby, how's things?" She asked her happy voice making me crack harder.

"Mommy" I managed to get out then just sobbed.

"Baby are you ok?" She asked.

"Mommy we need you" I got out.

"Ok baby hang tight ill be there in 10 minutes, I love you. All of use. Let the girls know" mom said and I could hear her running around the house.

"Love you mommy" I said hanging up. I teaches for a tissue and blew my noise.

"You want me to ring your dad yet or just leave it?" I asked Lexi.

"Ring but tell him not to come till later" she said in between sobs.

I look to my phone again going through the contacts till I find her Dad. I push the green button for ring and hold my breath knowing this time I'm actually going to have to say he words out loud.

"Hi Demi" he said answering the phone after five rings.

"Hey Jerry" I said hearing my voice crackle.

"You alright girl?"

"No not really. I'm sorry to tell you this but Demetrius passed away a few minutes ago" I said breaking down into hysterical sobs. I hear Marissa and Alexis both shriek this time and see them break down they must of been listening.

"Shit, I'll come up there now" he said and I could hear his voice dishearten.

"Can you come up tonight please after dinner? Lex just wants some time for herself" I said

"Sure, look after her Dem" and then the line went dead.

I moved back to the bed and sat down reaching out and taking one of Alexis's hand. What the fuck do I say at a time like this. I looked at Marissa for help and she walked around the bed pulling me into an embrace.

"Nothing we can do babe" she whispered in my ear answering my unsaid question. We sat there in silence just holding each other until Mom and Maddison came running into the room. Mom ran straight for Alexis while, Maddison walked over to me and Mar hugging us both.

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