Chapter fourteen

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Demi's POV

I woke up feeling something heavy on my stomach. I open my eyes to see Alexis had rolled over onto me. Although she was heavy it wasn't bad and for the first time in weeks I felt happy having her lie there with me. I slowly reached out the bed and grab my phone, trying not to move my body to much as I didn't want to wake her. I notice I had a few text messages and opened them. Most I just ignored but then I saw one from Marissa answering my text that I sent her last night.
M: hey I'm not doing anything for the next week. Why? You ok?
D: pack your bags. I'll book your ticket now.
M: what ticket where?

I choose to ignore the text for now and go online on my phone. I bring up the flight agency's website and type in cheap flights from Texas to LA. there's one leaving in an hour and a half that I could get her on. I click book typing in my credit card details and the Marissa's details for the ticket. They send me an instant email with my ticket and I forward it to Marissa. I text her back.
D: check your emails. You leave in an hour.
M: wtf Demi. You better be okay.
D: explain when you get here. Love you
M: I'll text when I land. Love you too.

Happy with myself I roll over to Alexis and put my head on hers, I open the camera app on my phone and take a photo with her. Happy with the way it looked I upload it to twitter
@ddlovato missed waking up to this sleeping beauty.

I instantly got hundreds of retweets and favourites. I started reading some of the comments. I really do have the best friends ever. I let Alexis sleep for another five minutes then decide that's longer enough.

"Wake up lazy bones" I shout

She just lied there not even flinching. I start pushing her and yelling and she let out a loud groan.

"Seriously Lexi wake up" I said tickling her.

"Demi piss off" she squealed jumping around the bed trying to get away.

"Wake up then. We got shit to do" I said tickling her some more.

"I'm up" she screamed grabbing her pillow and hitting me in the head with it. I grabbed it and threw it back at her. Just then Maddie and Dallas came running into the room.

"What's with all the noise?" Dallas asked jumping on the bed.

"Why don't you ask your annoying sister" Alexis said glaring at me. I just smirked and turned to Dallas. I was still pissed at her but I was going to be the bigger sister and act like I was over it.
"Sorry if we woke you" I said reaching our for Maddie who I grabbed and then in between me and Alexis. Lexi winked at me and we both lunged at her tickling her and smothering her in kisses.
"I liked it better when use weren't here" she squealed trying to run to Dallas. We were all laughing as Mum called up that breakfast was ready. Dallas and Maddie got up fast running out the room. Me and Alexis slowly got up, I guess we were both feeling the same about food.
"Hey no pressure" I said "we eat what we can as long as we watch each other we can get through this" I gave her a huge smile which she returned. She got out of bed and I laughed at her again looking at how ridiculous her pyjamas are on her now.
"Wait there" I said running out the room. I ran into dads room and grabbed one of his hoodies that he never wears and ran back to our room.
"Here" I said throwing it to her.
"Is my belly not sexy enough" she said laughing while putting the jumper on.
"It's not that I don't like looking at my son, it's just that that belly hasn't seen daylight in years and its blinding me" I said laughing at her.
" come on bitch, let's eat" she said walking out the room. I loved our relationship we could insult each other so bad and it always seemed like a compliment.

I followed her out the room and we sat down at the dinning room table. Mum had out done herself preparing breakfast it was huge. I grabbed a piece of toast and put some scrambled eggs on it and reached over and got some bacon. I looked at Alexis plate and she only had a plain piece of toast. I took her plate and added some egg and gave it back. Every one was watching us but I didn't care she needed to eat.
"Thanks" she said cutting a bit off and slowly eating it.
We finished our breakfast in silence. I saw Alexis push her chair from the table as fast as she could and she got up and ran. I instantly got up and ran after her. I could hear footsteps behind me but I didn't care. I got to the bathroom she was in and saw her leaning over the toilet. I went and took a hold of her hair pulling it out of her way and rubbed her back as she let it all up.

Mum walked in behind me and went and leaned against the bench. Finally Alexis was done. Mum passed her a glass of water which she greatly took.
"What the fuck was that about" I asked looking at her.
"Morning sickness never stopped" she said trying to stand up.
I grabbed her hand and pulled her up. I didn't know morning sickness could go that long. I'll look it up when I get a free chance. Mum seemed happy with the answer though so maybe she wasn't lying.
"Should we go finish breakfast" she said walking out the bathroom. "I'm still hungry" she added.
We headed back to the table where we both finished the food on our plates. She even ate some fruit too. Maybe she wasn't lying to me and really did have morning sickness.

"Come on" I said "we have to get ready".
"Ready for what?" She asked with a look of dread on her face.
"We are going shopping and plus we need to go to the air port" I answered with a grin.
"What? Why we going there?" She asked "can't we just spend the day on the couch?"
"We can do that tomorrow, Maddison and Dallas go get ready your coming too" I said throwing them all a look that said now. "You have half an hour to be ready and be in my car". I've never seen girls move so fast, I guess giving them such a short time line to get ready could do that.

Once I was ready I made my way down stairs to wait for the other girls. Maddie and Dallas ran down first. Both in skinny jeans with boots. Maddie had on a cute purple top though and Dallas had a black silk thing going on. Ten minutes later Alexis ran down. She looked beautiful. She had lightly curled her hair, had put some makeup on and was dressed to impress. This was the best I had seen her in years and it really sent butterfly's to my stomach to see her looking so good and healthy.
"Hurry up, we were suppose to be at the airport ten minutes ago" I yelled grabbing my keys and heading out the door. I jumped into my car and plugged my phone in to get the beats going. The first song to play was lala land by yours truly they all moaned at hearing it so I simply turned it up and belted it out.

It was a fun drive to the airport. We were all laughing, joking and being idiots like we use to do when we were younger. We finally got to the airport, only 20 minutes late and I found a car park. I hopped out the car and yelled to the girls to run. We started running and I could see Alexis was getting out of breath. I saw a trolley parked on the side of the car park and grabbed it.
"Jump on ya lazy" I said to Alexis.
"Nooooo I'm good" she said trying to push the trolley away.
"Do as I say, get on now or I'll embarrass you" I said and she said as she was told climbing on and sitting down. I don't know how but the paparazzi had found us and was trying to snap a good picture of me. I put my head down and ran pushing the trolley with Alexis on as fast as I could. We finally got inside the airport and made our way to the arrival area and there she was bags and everything, Marissa.
"Mar" I yelled getting her attention. Turned around looking for me and finally laid eyes on us. She ran for me and through her arms around me picking me up and spinning me around in the air. She put me down and we hugged. I had really missed her and it has only been four days since she went home. Then she spotted Alexis.
"Lexi" she screamed running and jumping on her making the trolley tip over. They both fall off and sat on the floor laughing.
"Shall we get going" I asked as the paparazzi got closer to us. They all agreed and stood up, both of them hopping on the trolley for me to push this time.
"Dal, grab my bags" marissa yelled as I ran with them out the entrance.
Life is great, I have all my sisters with me, Im happy and healthy. What more could I wish for.

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