Chapter seven

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Alex's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes standing there in front of me was the person I had been longing too see forever. I was speechless. Demi let go of me and took a step back, just steering at me. I felt myself to red under hear steer.
"Is it okay if I move you closer to that table, so we can sit down and talk" she said motioning towards my wheel chair then the table secluded in the far corner. I be my head in agreement with a small smile and lift the break off the chair so she can wheel me. She pushes me with speed towards the table and I let a laugh out.
"What?" She questions me with a smile playing on my lips.
" still the same Demi I see, doing everything at one hell of a pace" I chuckled out. She mockingly pushed me like she used to back in the days. How can it be that we haven't seen each other in years but nothing seems awkward or to have changed between us.

"I saw your family, leaving when I was saying bye to mine. Don't think I've ever seen your dad look so happy to see me" she said laughing probably remembering all the grief we put him through. I let out a small laugh too.
"So you checked in today as well?" I said shyly as not to offend her.
"What! You think I'm a patient here?" She asked in a disgusted tone. The colour must of drained from cheeks as she cracked up laughing. "I'm just playing ya Sexy Lexi, yup I checked in today so guess your stuck with me" she giggled squeezing my leg gently. I laughed too, man how I had missed Demi. Know body had called me sexy Lexi in years and it kind of made me smile.

Demi kicked at my wheel chair, "so what's the deal with this"
"Well Demi it is called a wheel chair, it helps people who have trouble moving get from one place to another without hurting themselves" I answered with a smirk on my face. Demi was one of the only people in the world who understood my sarcasm.
"Oh shit, they actually made something for that?" We both cracked up. Then Demi spoke again "your dad looked good, him and Fiona seem to be doing good?" She questioned.
"Honestly Dem, I only saw my dad for the first time in a year three weeks ago so I can't answer that. But he seems happy and Fiona hasn't been as bad as I remembered her to be. But I guess time will tell aye." I looked up at Demi, to see a puzzled look on her face. But I didn't want to tell her more until she asked. I guess I'm scared of scaring her away.
"Why hadn't you seen your family for that long." She suddenly asked
"Same reason I haven't seen you in that long" I simply replied.
"And that was?" Her voice sounded angry "me and Marissa looked every where for you it was like you dropped off the earth."

Tears filled my eyes as I heard the anger in her voice. I can't believe they looked for me. I was convinced they hated me.
"Well?" She said raising her voice even louder. I looked down at my shoes and answered in the smallest voice I could muster.
"Beau" the tears spilled out my eyes at the mention of his name and soon I was in uncontrollable sobs. This seemed to me the story of my life recently.

Demi's POV

I couldn't quite make out what she said. Her voice was so quiet as she said it and then she broke down into tears. Oh shit shit shit!!! I didn't mean to make her cry I just wanted answers. I mean one day she was in my life and the next she was gone. It didn't make sense to me and I needed answers. I was heart broken over her leaving. I still am, nothing in my life hurt as bad as when she turned her back on us. Not even when me and Joe broke up and trust me that hurt. But seeing her sitting there crying, all my anger disappeared. I just wanted to hold her in my arms again and tell her everything was going to be alright. I stood up and moved closer to her taking her left hand and bringing it up to my face. I rested it on my face for awhile and kissed her hand before bringing her into a hug. She winced in pain as I squeezed her tight and I immediately let go. What the fuck was going on here.
"Alexis, what's the matter? What did you say before? Why did you leave?" I know she's a mess and all but I needed answers and I needed them now. This is my best friend we are talking about.
She reached out her arms for me and I wrapped myself around her. I could feel her sobs echoing through my body and finally she spoke. "Beau" she said. It was one simple word but it was enough to make me crazy. I stood up so fast taking her by shock and making her yelp in pain. I grabbed my bag off the table and marched to behind her chair. I pulled off the break as fast as I can and practically ran with her to my room. I could see jack and Jill looking at me like I was a maniac but I didn't care because right now that's how I felt. What the fuck had this guy done to my sister and why the fuck did it take me this long to find out.

I finally got to my room and wheeled her inside, I faced her towards the door so I could look at her why we talked. I shut the door and used my weight body as a barricade to stop people getting into us. I looked into Alexis's eyes and could see panic. Shit I didn't mean to scare her. I just wanted to get to a place where we could talk freely.
I looked into her eyes and tried to calm my voice as much as possible before talking.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just want to talk somewhere privately where it's just you and me. K lex? What happened to you? Why are you here?"
She looked straight into my eyes so I smiled. I could see her relax and she began to speak
"Dem it's ok I'm not scared. I mean I was cause your driving was shit but I'm ok now" she said with a laugh. I did a mock sad face before laughing too and let her continue. "First things first though why are you in here miss international super star?" I was not expecting the tables to me flipped onto me but fair enough I guess she deserved answers too.
"Rock, paper, scissors who tells their story first." I said holding my fist out towards her. This was how we solved everything when we were younger. She held her fist out towards me and we both started chanting, rock paper, scissors. I went for rock and she went for paper. Shit she always bet me. She cracked up laughing, "still as dumb as ever I see she said laughing" I pouted "no matter how many times I tell you I beat you because you do rock first you still do it." We both cracked up laughing this time. I forgot this girl knows me better then anybody in this world.
"Soooo" she said tapping her fingers on the side of her chair "I'm waiting."
Shit I don't know if I'm ready to tell my story out loud but if it could help Alexis then I guess who cares. I took a deep breath then started......

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