Chapter 4

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Alex's POV

I woke up, everything was dark. I could hear a distant beeping. Where am I? I tried to sit up. I screamed in pain. Everything hurt. My head felt heavy, it was pounding and everything was spinning fast then it was gone again.

I woke up again, this time it was daylight. I opened my eyes to find that pounding in my head hadn't gone any where. I took a look around and realised I was in the hospital. I wonder what had happened, I couldn't remember a thing. Just then a nurse walked in.

"Hi Alexis, I am Mary. How are you feeling?" She asked while playing with the machines.

"It's Alex thanks. What happened to me? Everything hurts."

"I don't really know the full story of what took place but I can tell you, three of your ribs are broken, your knee cap is broken and we are keeping an eye on you flu conclusion because you sustained a serious head injury. Is there any body you want me to call? You have had no visitors since you have been here. We contacted your dad and he is flying here as soon as possible."

"You rang my dad?" I managed to whimper out. I hadn't spoken to my dad in over a year. Since me and Beau moved to Chicago and left him and his new family behind in LA.

" is that a problem" Mary the nurse asked sounding concerned.

"No problem, is there a way you can bring me a phone please I need to contact some people for myself."

Mary agreed leaving the room and returning shortly with a phone I could use. I dialled my home number. I needed to check in and I needed to know what happened before my dad got here. On the seventh ring Suzzie answered.

"Hello" she said quietly that I could barely hear her.

"Hey so I'm in hospital why? And secondly you haven't been to visit why? How long have I been here?" I started rambling, I know but I needed answers and fast and I knew she would have them.

"What's with the 21 questions? Can you really not remember what happened?" I heard her voice begin to crack and got worried.

"Suzzie you okay? I have no idea what happened but what I do know is dad is on his way and Beau hasn't been here either."

"Ok this will be better in person. I'm on my way k. Oh and Alex, promise me you won't hate me."

She hanged up before I could answer and dread started to wash over me. Whatever she was going to tell me must be bad.

Suzzie's POV
After hanging up the phone I rang to get my keys and bag. I had no idea what I was going to say to Alex or how she would react. The last 36 hours had been crazy I really wanted to be at the hospital when Alex woke up but I was scared of what she might think of me after I didn't try to stop Beau straight away. I was scared that we had lost her and I blamed myself. The police had been here talking to me and I told them everything I knew now it was up to Alex and what she wanted to do. Tears filled my eyes at that thought if she couldn't remember there was no way she would press charges on him, especially knowing how bad things would be once he got out. I ran out the door locking it behind me, running for my car tears still streaming down my face. After a 25 minute drive I finally reached the hospital. I sat in the car for 10 minutes trying to get myself together, hoping the tears would stop and giving myself a chance to get my thoughts together. Finally I entered the hospital. I walked up to the front desk and asked which room Alexis Brown was in. The receptionist responded saying level 7, room 3. The travel to her room seemed to take forever but finally I walked into a room to find Alex lying in a bed in front of me.
I walked up to her and threw my arms around her, she winced in pain and I quickly backed away muttering my apologies. Alex smiled at me not just a little smile like she normally would but a big full on grin. It took me by surprise.
" why are you smiling like that?" I asked.
" because I'm so happy your hear even if you are trying to kill me with your hugs" she laughed. "So tell me what happened?"

I took a deep breath then started telling my account of the event " ok me and you were on the couch talking about Beau, he over heard everything. Beau being Beau of course got angry and started towards use. I was scared and just let him when things got to far I did try and stop him but he knocked me down so I got up and ran for my phone. I rang the ambulance and heard coming up the stairs so I rang back down to you. You were just lying there motionless covered in blood. And all I could do was hold you till the a balance and the police showed up. I was to scared you would hate me so I didn't come with you to the hospital and then the pice asked me what happened I told them everything and they took Beau into custody but they can't hold him that long without your account of events and if you don't want to press charges so you need to talk to them soon if you can." By the time I was finished talking I was in uncontrollable sobs. When I looked up at Alex she was starring into space emotionless when she should be the one in tears. " you ok?" I asked as she continued to stare into space.
"Yeah I'm good, just trying to remember everything you said. It's weird hearing you tell me about something that's happened to me but yet not being able to remember it. And Hun you know it's not your fault aye? I would of been to scared to step in and stop it too I don't blame you at all."

Just as Alex said that I heard a voice behind me say " well I do."

Authors note:
Hey guys sorry this chapter isn't that good. This is the first story I've written so bare with me. I know it's a Demi fanfic so trust me she will be entering it soon. I just wanted to set up a good sub story first. Thanks for reading xxo

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