Chapter thirty four

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Marissa's POV

The words came out of my mouth before I knew what I was saying. I guess when he started verbally abusing her I couldn't take it and let it all out. I looked him in the eye though determined to stand my ground. I was in love with someone else as simple as that. It's not my fault he made me feel pressured into saying yes to him because everyone was watching. I'm lost in my thought and don't see his fist coming towards me until it's to late, hitting me straight in the nose. The force was strong and knocks me to the ground. He bends down and takes the ring off my finger. I let out a scream as he lifts my head up by my hair and punches me again before spitting at me. He drops me and I hit the ground. I can't control the tears and sobs that release from body. He's yelling something at me but I can't make it out. I just lie their motionless trying not to aggregate him into another attack. I see Alexis little frame run past, me straight for Jon. She raises her hand and slaps him hard in the face before lashing out him. This is why I love her, look at her go. She kicks him in the balls and he falls to the floor. Yelling something at him she walks to the door and holds it open for him to leave. I haul myself up into a sitting position and use the couch as a support to try get the rest of my body up. I feel a hand come and grab me under the arm and lift me onto the couch. I look up into Alexis's eyes and begin to cry again. She sits down beside me and puts her arm around my shoulder not saying anything just letting me cry. When I finally stop she speaks.

"Rissa your bleeding, I'm just going to go check on the twins and then I'll bring you something for your nose" she says standing up to go.

"The twins are here? Is everything ok?" I asked worried. I can't believe I brought that situation into the house where two four year old girls are.

"Yeah everything's good" she said walking out the room.

I hear my phone vibrate and pull it out of my pocket. It's Jon, I push the ignore button and decide to text Demi.

'Hey dem I need you, hurry home.' I push send knowing she won't get it till morning now and she comes home tomorrow.

I hear little feet and turn around in time to see little Emily running towards me.

"Risssssssssssssaaaaaaaa" she screamed as she saw me and ran at me. She stopped just before me as she noticed the blood trickling down my face.

"Rissa you bleeding" she said looking at me with concern.

"Lexi told me you had a accident and hit your head on table" she said climbing onto the couch beside me and rubbing her fingers through my hair.

"Lily went back to sleep, but this monkey won't. I told her she could come and see clumsy Marissa before she goes back to bed" Lexi said walking up to me and gently starting to clean my face.

"Not my fault I have two left feet" I said going along with lexis story for Emily's sake.

"Rissa will you read me a story before bed?" Emily asked me sitting down and resting her head on my lap.

"Only if you give me lots of cuddles and kisses before you go to sleep to make me feel better" I replied. She leaped up and began smothering my faces in kisses, I couldn't help but laugh at how cute she is. Lexi finished wiping the blood off my face and came back with a ice pack wrapped in a tea towel. She held it gently on my nose, I looked at her why she did this and could see sadness all over of her face. It kills me to know I'm the reason for this sadness.

"What?" She asked. Oh shit I must of been steering.

"Nothing, just admiring the view" I said with a small smile, she blushed.

"We will talk about this in the morning" she said taking the ice pack off my nose and studying it.

"We might also have to get that checked in the morning, it could be broken" she said, running a gentle finger over it, which sent shivers down my spine.

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