Chapter 20

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My parents go in the other room and Cam and I stand up.
He leans in and kisses my lips softly and then pulls away, but pulls me in for a hug.
"So what does my girl want to do for her birthday today?" He asks, keeping his arms wrapped around my waist, while he looks down at me.
"I don't know." I sway back and forth in his arms.
"Why don't you," He pauses his sentence to kiss my forehead. "Go get dressed, and we'll figure out what we're gonna do for your birthday, yeah?"
"Okay." I smile and jog upstairs, starting to get ready.

I check the weather and see that it's pretty warm today, but a little breezy. I look in my closet for something to wear. I find high-waisted shorts with a white crop top, and I wear a light sweater over it, just incase I get cold.

I put on a little concealer, eyeliner, and mascara. I straightened my hair the night before, so I just go over it again quickly and brush through it. I do a few other small things to get ready and then I run downstairs. I pull on my vans and walk into the kitchen.

I sit down next to Cameron and he holds my hand, lacing our fingers together.
"So what are you two doing today?" My mom and dad ask.
"I'm not sure," Cam looks over at me. "Where do you wanna go Hales?"
I shrug and think about it.
"Oh! Let's go to that amusement park place with the go karts and stuff!" I look over at him.
"Oh, the place that just opened downtown?" He looks excited.
"Yeah!" I nod.
"Okay, wanna go right now?" He asks.
"Well, I'm not getting any younger!" I giggle and we stand.
"Cameron, do you need money?" My mom asks him.
"Oh, no. I can pay for it, thank you!" Cam smiles.

"Bye guys!" I wave to my parents.
"Bye, have fun!" They wave back and we go outside and get into Cam's truck.
"Do you feel older?" Cam asks, putting his key in the ignition.
"No." I laugh. The car rumbles and all of the lights on the dashboard turn on.
"That's good." He smiles and backs his car out of the driveway.

Cam rolls down the windows a bit, and turns up the radio, as we both sing along.

We get to the place and Cam parks.
Cameron glances over at me and turns the other way to open the car door, but does a double-take, and looks back at me. He smirks and leans over, kissing me passionately.
"I love you." He smiles, kissing my nose.
"I love you too." I giggle and kiss his lips again.
"C'mon, let's go birthday girl." He grins and gets out of the car. He jogs around to my side and opens my door. He helps me out and locks the car.
"Remember when we went to an amusement park a while ago?" I ask Cam as we walk to the front.
"Yup, that day was so much fun." He nods and grins.

We get inside and they stamp our hands after Cameron pays.
I look around and see a lot of small roller coasters, a go karting track, a small petting zoo, carnival games, and small food stands.
"Where do you wanna go first?" I ask Cam.
"It's your birthday, cutie." He smiles and slings his arm around my shoulder.
"Let's go to the go karts," I point towards the track. "The line is short."
He nods and we go over to them.

We wait online and talk for a bit. Cameron leans back and sits on the rope.
"Don't sit on that, you're gonna fall and get hurt." I warn him and pull him off gently.
"Fine, mom." He laughs.
"You'll be sorry when you get a concussion!" I laugh and hug him, staying in that position for a bit.
He starts humming Happy Birthday to me and I look up at him, smiling. He smiles back at me and continues to hum it.

It's finally our turn and we get to choose if we want to go together or separate.
"Want to ride with me? Or alone?" Cam asks.
"Alone, I'm gonna beat your ass." I giggle and get in a go kart. A few people around us laugh.
"Alright, game on." He laughs and raises an eyebrow, getting into the kart behind me.

They explain all of the rules to us and they say "1, 2, 3, go!" And everyone speeds off.
Cameron gets a lead on me and sticks his tongue out at me.
I swerve his way, and he swerves out of the way as I speed ahead of him.
"Haha!" I laugh at him and continue driving.
We go around the track a few times, and Cameron and I try to get ahead of each other the whole time.
We finish and I get to the finish line before Cam.

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