Chapter 43

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The bell rings and I finish reading over my writing one last time. I stand from my seat and hand my essay to my English teacher. I take a deep breath and walk out of the classroom, walking down to my locker.

Someone places their hand on my shoulder and I jump, looking to see who it is. My body relaxes when I realize it's Cameron.

"Why do you look so serious? It's the last day before break!" Cam smiles and puts a piece of hair behind my ear, kissing my cheek.

I sigh and smile, remembering that today is the last day before Thanksgiving break.

"Sorry I'm so tense..." I sigh, leaning up against my locker. "I've just had so many tests and essays, and so much homework and-"

Cameron cuts me off, hugging me. I relax into his arms, smiling.
"Why don't you hurry up and get your books in your bag, so I can take you home and we can watch movies and cuddle, and you can finally relax." Cam kisses my cheek, squeezing my hand. "Hmm?"

I smile wide and look up at him nodding quickly.

"Okay cutie, I'm gonna go talk to the guys, come over to us when you're done." Cam smiles and kisses my cheek, jogging away.

I get all of the binders I need for my homework over the break and sling my backpack over my shoulder, shutting my locker.

I take out my phone and start walking over to where the guys are.

"Oh, look at my girl!" Cameron yells, smiling. A few people look over and I turn red. "Look at how pretty she is! I'm so lucky." Cam looks me up and down and laughs, enjoying how much he's embarrassing me.

"Shut up," I laugh, hugging him. I'm now a deep shade of red and all of the boys are laughing. "Thank you, and I love you, but shut up you're embarrassing me."

Cam laughs, squeezing me tight.

I say goodbye to Mahogany, telling her I'll text her over the break, while Cameron does all of his bear hugs with the boys.

We eventually leave and get in Cam's car.

"I hate you, you know that?" I giggle, looking over at him.

"No, you love me remember?" Cam laughs, sticking his tongue out at me.

"C'mere." I giggle and lean up, placing my hand behind his neck. I lean in and connect our lips, kissing him softly. He smiles into the kiss and I smile too. I lean back into my seat and look up at him.

"I love you." He grins, putting the key into the ignition.

"I love you too." I smile and get comfortable in my seat.

"I'm so excited for Thanksgiving." Cam says randomly. "I can't wait to see Sierra. She's coming tomorrow."

"Aww, I can't wait for you to see her either." I smile, rubbing his hand that's on my thigh. Cameron and Gina haven't seen Sierra in a long time, and Cameron has spent the whole week talking abut how excited he is to see her. "Your mom is pretty excited too, right?"

"Of course! She can't wait." Cam nods, smiling. He turns the wheel out of the school parking lot. "Where do you wanna go?"

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