Chapter 38

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Cameron's POV

A little over a week has passed since I've had the fight with Collin. The cuts on my face have healed, and the bruises aren't nearly as bad as they were. My back also isn't as sore as before.

Although my face has gotten better, other things haven't. Since I've gone back to school after the fight, a bunch of people in my grade have taken every chance they can get to torment me. They make fun of me for getting beaten up and for barely fighting back. It wouldn't hurt me that much if it didn't hurt Hayley so bad. She hates seeing people make fun of me.

I know that people also laugh at Hayley and make fun of her, even though she won't admit it. I also know that the Twitter page really gets to her, but she won't admit that either. I've reported it and it got taken down, but whoever is running it made another one.

I'm worried about Hayley, I really am. She doesn't smile as much and it's almost impossible to get her to laugh. She always seems tired and never wants to do anything. It also hurts me to see how much she thinks people hate her. She keeps her head down in the hallways and stays close to me. I miss her running down the halls, saying hi to her friends, and laughing.

I'm surprised that Hayley even shows up to school, considering she barely leaves her house otherwise. I used to be able to make her smile or laugh with no effort... Now it's almost impossible. If she does smile, it usually fades away almost instantly. It's my job to change that.

Saturday rolls around and I drive over to Hayley's house. She didn't tell me to come over today, but I'm going to anyway.
I pull in front of her house and get out, walking to the front door. Hayley's car is the only one here. I knock on the door and hear footsteps, and then the door opens.

"Hey, Cam! I didn't know you were coming!" Hayley stands there in pajamas and a messy bun, looking like she just rolled out of bed. While she still looks beautiful, I expected her to be a little bit more dressed up, considering it's already 12:30PM on a warm Saturday. She hugs me and shuts the front door behind us.

"I thought I'd come and see you." I smile and kiss the top of her head. "Where are your parents?"

"My mom went to the food store and my dad is at Home Depot or something." She shrugs. Don't they care that their daughter hasn't left the house to go anywhere besides school in a couple of weeks?

"You didn't want to go out?" I ask, looking down at her.

"No, those stores are boring." She shakes her head. "Anyway, I'm glad you came over." She pulls me into the living room. "I was just watching a movie, you can watch with me."

I frown and struggle to stay standing, while she tries to get me to lay next to her on the couch. Hayley closed the blinds, preventing the sunshine from flooding into the room, making it dark and depressing.

"Hales, I'd love to but-" I start to say but she cuts me off.

"If you don't want to hang out just say it and leave." She says coldly and crosses her arms, letting go of my hand. She presses play on the remote and the movie continues. I frown and kneel down next to her.

"Baby I love spending time with you... Of course I want to hang out. It's just that today is a beautiful day! Don't you want to go do something?" I rub her hand with my thumb and try to look into her eyes.

Perfect: Cameron Dallas FanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt