Chapter 9

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About a month passes and I'm still ignoring the hungry feeling in my stomach.
I've been wearing baggier clothes and thankfully no one has noticed my weight loss. I've been eating basically nothing and I've lost about twenty five pounds, which is a lot for me. But I wanted to lose the weight, and I did.

I get out of my last final of the year and see Cameron outside.

"We're done babe!" He laughs.

"Yay!" I smile and hold his hand. "It's officially summer!"

He goes in for a hug/kiss and I put my hand on his chest and step away. I don't want him to say anything about me getting thinner.

"I'm not feeling well. I don't want to get you sick, babe." I bite my lip.

"Okay." He doesn't look too convinced.

We get in his car because he picked me up this morning.

We listen to the music and I pull up my bracelet that is starting to get loose on me.
I call my mom and she picks up after a couple of rings.

H- hey mom, I'm out of my final.
M- congrats! We're having an end-of-the-year dinner tonight! Cameron should come!
H- I-I don't know...
M- cmon, invite him over! It'll be fun! Dad is going to make a campfire and Cameron can sleep over!
H- okay, I'll ask. I'll text you if he wants to come.
M- okay, love you honey.
H- love you too.

"Cam?" I look over at him. I kind of don't want him to come because I don't want to eat.

"Yeah, babe?" He looks over at me and smiles.

"Do you want to come over tonight? My parents are having an end of the year dinner and campfire and they said you can sleep over." I ask.

"Sure! Let me just stop by my house and get clothes and ask my mom." He smiles like a little boy.

I nod and giggle.

We stop at his house and he says I can just wait in the car.
While he's inside my stomach growls.
I ignore it and hope it doesn't happen again in front of Cam.

He comes out about ten minutes later with a camouflage-patterned backpack.
He hops back in the front seat and leans over the console, kissing me quickly.
We drive back to my house and get out of the car.

"Mom, we're home!" I call out, throwing my backpack down by the door. I'll empty it out later.

"Hi guys!" My mom comes in from the kitchen.

"How was your last final exam?"

"It was okay." I nod my head.

"How about you, Cameron?" She smiles at him.

"It was good! Math is one of my strongest subjects, so it wasn't too hard." Cameron answers.

"That's good! You guys probably did amazing!" My mom encourages us.

"Can you guys help set up?" My mom waves us in the kitchen.

"Of course." Cameron smiles kindly.

We go outside and set up the table with all of the plates and napkins. My mom goes in the front yard to get the mail. My dad will be home soon. I hear Cameron come up behind me.

"Hi." He whispers in my ear before kissing the sensitive skin right behind my ear. I always get the chills when he does that, and he knows it.

"Hey, Cam." I smile and turn around.
He puts his hands on my hips and runs them down to my butt, smirking and squeezing my butt.

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