Chapter 45

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Thanksgiving break is coming to an end and tomorrow I go back to school. I haven't seen, called, or texted Cam since thanksgiving.

I keep telling myself that he's just busy, but the thought keeps coming back, like repetitive waves crashing on the beach. I push the thought out and all is calm, but the thought slams back into my mind. This thought is about the last time we stopped hanging out and we didn't text or call. The last time that happened we got really distant and we had an argument. A scary argument that I wish never happened.

I try to sleep but I keep twisting and turning, the idea of Cameron becoming distant again keeps me awake.
I somehow fall asleep and wake up the next morning, the sun pouring through the glass windows.

Cam texts me, telling me that he'll come pick me up soon. I smile to myself.

Maybe he isn't becoming distant again.

I wait for Cam and he eventually rings my doorbell. I excitedly stand and run to the door, opening it.

Cam looks at me a gives me a half-hearted smile. My excited expression drops a bit, and I step outside. We get in Cam's car.

His usually bright brown eyes, which are now dull, focus on the road. Cam doesn't place his hand on my thigh, he doesn't turn on the radio, he doesn't even look over at me.

"Are you okay, Cam?" I break the silence, my voice calm.

"I'm fine." He glances over at me and then back at the road, switching lanes.

"Baby, I can tell when you're upset, what's wrong?" I touch his hand and he draws back, tightening his grip on the wheel.

"I said I'm fine, Hayley." Cam shakes his head, looking annoyed.

"You're acting kinda distant." I say quietly, looking down at my hands in my lap, too nervous to look up at him. "If you wanna talk, I'm here for you."

"Thanks." He says shortly. "But as I said I'm fine."

I nod and look out the window, holding my arms close to my body. This can't be happening again.

A few days pass and nothing has changed. Cam is still acting distant and I'm losing hope in the fact that he even wants to be with me anymore.

Every time I call him he answers on the last ring and before I can even say anything he blurts out "I can't talk now," or "sorry, I'll call you later."

The only time I ever really hear more than a sentence from him is in his voicemail.

It's late at night and the tv light bounces off of the floor, but I'm not focused on the tv. My thoughts slowly increase in volume inside my head until it feels like I'm getting screamed at to talk to Cameron.

I glance over at him. The light that his iPhone screen gives off shines onto his dark eyes and shows the shadows of his facial features.

"Are you going tell me what's wrong? Or are you just going to keep being distant from me?" I keep my eyes focused on the glossy wood floor of my living room.

"What are you talking about?" Cam snaps, not looking up from his phone.

"I can't do this again, Cam." I say quietly, my throats tightening. "I-I just can't."

"You can't do what, Hayley?" He asks nastily, glancing up at me.

"This, Cameron!" I yell, standing up. "You never being with me and being nasty!"

"You need to calm down. I'm always spending time with you." Cam rolls his eyes.

"What are you talking about? We've barely spent time any together outside of school, and even when you're with me, you're not with me." I cross my arms over my chest, the truth spilling out faster than I can think about what I'm saying.

"What are you-" he starts but I cut him off.

"Don't even say you don't know what I'm taking about. You're acting the same exact way you did a few months ago when we had that fight." I cross my arms. His eyes soften and his shoulders drop a bit. I don't hold back, and I keep yelling. "You're making me feel like shit! I feel like my own boyfriend doesn't care about me!"

"I-I'm sorry, I'm just nervous about college and-" he opens up and reaches for my hand but I cut him off again.

"I am too, Cameron!" I throw my hands up in the air. "I'm scared too! But I need you right now. Don't you understand that?" I yell at him even louder, a tear falling. "I need you!"

"But instead of bottling up my feelings and being a bitch to you, I tell you how I'm feeling!" I wipe my tears. "Maybe you should try that, Cameron."

"Hales, I'm so sorry." Cam pulls me into a hug. My anger breaks and crumbles as it's quickly replaced by sadness. We fall on the ground with a soft thud and Cam holds me in his lap while I sob into his chest. "I didn't mean to hurt you, I just get distant when I'm scared."

"I understand that, Cam." I say quietly, my voice shaky. "But if we want a good relationship, you need to stop doing that. You have to come to me and talk to me when you're scared instead of being distant and nasty. It's horrible being on the receiving end of that."

"I know, and I'm sorry, baby." Cam rocks me, kissing the top of my head. "I really am. I just had such a good time on Thanksgiving with you and I realized how much I'm gonna miss you when I go to college."

"Cam, I'm gonna miss you too." I say quietly. "I love you."

"I love you." Cam replies, holding me tighter. "But we need to stop fighting."

"I know." I look down, breaking down again. Tears start pouring out and I don't even bother stopping them.

"Hey, hey, hey." Cam moves my position, sitting me up. He wipes my tears away and looks up into my eyes. "Stop crying, baby. Look! Everything's okay! I'm not mad at you!" Cam holds my hands and bounces me up and down, smiling.

"Everything's not fine. I don't want to waste our time together fighting, Cam." I feel my hands start to shake and I grip onto them in an attempt to calm down.

"We're not fighting anymore, Hales, it's okay." Cam pulls me in close again and holds me to his chest. I let his steady heartbeat calm me down and I stop crying. "And fighting is normal in a relationship. Especially considering we're both stressed and upset about college."

I hold onto Cameron's single pointer finger, focusing on the lines and curves. I'm gonna miss him so much.


I'm so so so sorry that this took literally 10000 years to post! I've been so so so busy it's terrible lol


Hope you enjoyed the chapter, sorry for any spelling/ grammar mistakes etc.!

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