Pennsylvania x Ohio

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@SkyWalkerSolo6 requested this ship

This is just a story of the past, I guess... No actual oneshot or anything, I'm trying something different.

I honestly don't know how I'm going to do this, but let meh try bish

I'm just kidding I'm the bitch here. But anyways...


Did anyone ever mention to you how much Pennsylvania hated it when someone spelled his name wrong? That's the worst memory of school he had—when he DID get valentines on Valentines Day, his name was always spelled wrong. Well, except for two people, but Estonia was smart, so that didn't count.

The same thing happened when he got his first job. His name tag had a HORRIBLY spelt "Pencilvaynya" plastered on it in size-15 ComicSans. Only one person ever bothered to point out the incorrect spelling.

No one really ever spelled Pennsylvania's name correctly, and everyone who actually knew how to spell it, wrote "Pencilvania" instead. Now, to him, that was the REAL definition of bitch, not "female dog." Female dogs were nowhere near as bitchy as the people who spelled his name wrong were.

And that meant nearly everyone was a bitch. Except for those who were actually SMART, such as Estonia. Those ones knew the correct spelling of Pennsylvania—and his human name, Wiliamm Gretchtristoan, which he had purposely made difficult to spell and pronounce. But there were only a few percent of people who knew what they did. Or at least didn't spell it with more that one mistake.

Ohio was one of them.

Though he had pretty much the average person's brain capacity, the knowledge of the average person, Ohio always made an effort to spell Pennsylvania's name correctly. Not to prove that he was smart, because then he would have done a hard mathematics equation that only 6% of the people on earth knew. Ohio tried to spell Pennsylvania's name right because he wanted his respect. Because respect leads to friendship, which leads to love.

Ohio wanted Pennsylvania to know this.

And Pennsylvania did.

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