MarDel (Maryland x Delaware)

39 3 2

Requested by: Rubydust

"Guys, we should be discussing something important." Delaware pointed out at the meeting. "Not some useless stuff about..whatever."

"So what should we be talking about, then?" California asked, her eyebrow raised. "Global warming? World War Three?"

"No, but, something important. I don't know. Taxes." 

"Taxes?" California said, rolling her eyes. "Sure, Delaware. I mean, we all LOVE talking about taxes, right, guys? Taxes are SUCH a BRILLIANT thing to talk about during our meetings. I mean--"

"Okay, I GET IT! You guys...I swear....You make my anger worse than Germany's." Delaware sighed, disappointed that everyone was being THIS rude in a meeting. "You guys..."

"Well, SORRY, Mr. Taxman. I didn't think that I'd offend you, I mean... You don't have feelings or anything, so I just thought, you know, maybe talking about stuff I feel okay with talking about instead of taxes..." California trailed off. "I mean, like..."

"SHUT UP ALREADY! JUST SHUT UP!" Maryland cut into California's conversation.  "HE COMES ALL THE WAY HERE FROM HIS STATE THAT IS SO FAR AWAY TO ATTEND THE MEETING, AND THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT HIM?! HE COULD SPEND HIS SATURDAY, HIS PRECIOUS WEEKEND, HAVING FUN BY, I DON'T KNOW, GOING TO A FOOTBALL GAME, OR WATCHING A MOVIE OR SOMETHING, BUT HE DECIDES THAT THIS MEETING IS MORE IMPORTANT AND COMES HERE INSTEAD! THIS ISN'T EVEN AN IMPORTANT MEETING! ONLY, LIKE, TWENTY OF US SHOWED UP!!! SHOW SOME COURTESY! SHOW SOME RESPECT!" Maryland sighed, looking at Delaware, and then back at everyone else. "If he wants to talk about taxes, let him. At least he has the decency to show kindness and tolerance towards us all, unlike you. Besides, his tax speeches are surprisingly interesting. So, please, for goodness sake, just stop being so mean."

(I think I already did a oneshot in this kind of format/plot, but whatever. I couldn't think of anything else.)

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