I Love You - Minnegan (Minnesota x Michigan)

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oooooooooooooooooooookaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay how will I do this?

I've no requested ship.

Just a prompt.

RagingTribute wanted to challenge me.


HOW ABOUT... Minnesota x Michigan?

Sure. Why not?


"Run, damn it! RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Go! Go! Go!"

"Are you deaf?! Run!!!"

That's what soldiers yelled through the battle as the bombs were dropped. They were being dropped on places like hospitals and schools, places that needed to be protected. The enemies were being ruthless!

Through the cries of 'run!,' the explosions were easy to hear. Soldiers fell to the ground. Blood scattered everywhere. There wasn't a single soldier that wasn't in the most intense pain right now, as everyone on the battlefield had been affected greatly.

Minnesota was hiding in a bush, waiting for the attack to end. The enemies would trample down all of the corpses, chasing after something, and then the soldiers would stop dying, get up, and save themselves. But, that wouldn't happen anytime soon.

Michigan, on the other hand, wasn't faring so well like Minnesota was. Heck, he didn't even have a bulletproof vest, let alone any sort of weaponry. He was stranded out in the middle of the battlefield, trying his very hardest not to get shot by the enemies. "Shit!" He screamed as he jumped out of the way, just as a soldier went down. Michigan sighed, relieved that he wasn't shot. But that relief disappeared as soon as it started, and it was replaced by excruciating pain in his right arm. He looked at his uniform, and saw that its grey was replaced by red. "Fuck." He said.

That wasn't the end of it. The bomb came next.

Michigan screamed as the whole ground blew up. He grabbed a bush, but the bush was torn off of the ground so suddenly. Michigan frantically ran, in hopes that he was fast enough. 

He wasn't.

Smoke filled his throat, and soon there was no air. Michigan looked around. Everything was still exploding. He screamed in fear, and suddenly, he was grabbed from the ground by the blast, and thrown back many meters, until he hit a tree. He sunk to the ground, blood pouring from the back of his head. Blood was spewing out from his head, his nose, his mouth, and his arm, as he lie there, on the ground, barely even able to breathe. Tears of pain flowing down his cheeks, screaming in agony, Michigan lie there, slumped against the tree.

No one else was there. No one would help him. He was in the middle of a war, slumped against a tree, lying there, unable to move, unable to breathe. No one would bother to help him.

Or so he thought.

A figure made its way out from behind a bush, sprinting towards him. It got closer and closer and closer. Michigan could see, through the dusty haze, through the tears in his eyes, he could see Minnesota.  She was running toward him, getting closer by the second, until eventually, she arrived, looking completely exhausted. "What happened?" She said, sounding even angrier than Germany. But she didn't seem angry...

"......." Michigan couldn't speak. He simply lay there, waiting. Waiting for the first opportunity to escape this hell, this nightmare. Waiting patiently, knowing, or at least hoping, that it would come. Maybe not soon, but eventually.

"Right." Minnesota seemed to be reading Michigan's mind. She grabbed him, by his injured arm, attempting to drag him away. Instead, however, Michigan screamed in pain and collapsed onto Minnesota. Minnesota looked at him, and screamed when she saw his arm. It had a bullet going RIGHT THROUGH IT, and she could see the bone and the muscle. She cringed.

Minnesota grabbed Michigan's other arm and began dragging him away. This was more successful, however, only a few minutes later, a gunshot was heard, and Michigan fell to the ground, screaming. Blood spewed out of his mouth, and now his left leg, as he knelt on the ground, trying to catch his breath. More gunshots were heard, and Michigan only screamed more, before completely falling to the ground. Minnesota picked him up and began sprinting, full speed, away from wherever the bullets were coming from. She was mortified by the sight of Michigan. He had been shot at least five times, and kept spitting out blood. His face was so pale from blood loss already....she was surprised that he was still alive.

But then, one last gunshot sounded. Michigan completely collapsed onto Minnesota, and she was the only thing keeping him standing. Michigan screamed in agony, in pain, and looked up at Minnesota. Minnesota set him down onto the grass. She knew that he couldn't possibly survive much longer. She knew that he was done, it was useless trying to save him. But still, she told him that it would be okay. It sounded like she was trying to assure herself this more than she was trying to comfort Michigan.

"Minnesota......I......" Michigan muttered, before screaming in pain, looking up at Minnesota fearfully, and screaming more. "I lov........" He suddenly inhaled deeply, and cried out in pain. He was trembling. His whole body shook, and he turned to one side. "I........love.......you........" And then he exhaled. When he exhaled, he stopped trembling. He lie still. He stopped breathing.

He was dead.

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