WisDel (Wisconsin x Delaware)

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This was requested by a NEW requester....is that what you call those who request? Idk... But anyways, requested by RagingTribute . And warning for all of those who DON'T like the feels (No one that I know of, to be honest), THIS IS A FEELSY CHAPTER.



The words were, to other people, just words. They were insults, yes, but it isn't like they were supposed to be able to get to him. They weren't. He was a state! He couldn't be offended that easily! That would be super cowardly and weak! They were only words, nothing more! Yes, maybe he could be offended, SURE, but it would be weak of him to be saddened because of those words, wouldn't it? What the people said to or about him, it shouldn't matter much to him, as the people weren't states, or anyone with actual power over him! So that meant it would be awfully weak--to the point of being disgraceful--of him, to be saddened or offended by the words.

Day after day after day of this. Words, they continued to spew from everybody's mouths, and out into the open. The words were everywhere. Real-life conversations weren't the only place those words could be found. They were found in magazines, text messages, internet videos, internet articles, social media posts--everywhere. The insults could be found everywhere, and not a single place was a hiding spot from those insults. There was no such thing as a hiding spot from those insults, so everywhere was practically diseased by them, plagued by them. Not a single location, physical, verbal, or cyber, was safe from the insults, because they were everywhere.

What was more, they didn't only come from enemies, and people who held a grudge against him. The insults came from those who were very ignorant, as well as those who didn't know him, sometimes not even about him. The ones who didn't know about him simply copied what everybody else was doing, and so a whole new generation of insults arrived. Perhaps the saddest part of it all were the insults that came from his own people. They wanted to leave, to pack up and go. But when they, his people who said those things about him, said things like that, they were judged, too. And not for actually insulting him, but for being his people. Those who claimed that it was a mistake to move to his state, were criticized, being called stupid for actually moving there.

Day after horrifyingly long day, he kept a straight face, played along with the crowd. Saying that he completely agreed with them. Saying things against himself, just so that he could at least TRY to fit in. He never did, but he never allowed himself to complain about it. He didn't ever permit himself to say otherwise, deny the 'truthfulness' of the insults, he never permitted himself to tell them he was tired of it all. He went on with his life, hiding behind a mask that had a warm, happy smile drawn upon it. He complained occasionally about other things that weren't so damaging to him, like how he didn't want a certain football team to win, or that a certain food tasted absolutely horrible. He complained about those kind of things when others were complaining about that topic, although he didn't really mean to complain more than to converse with others.

Even when he needed support, he neglected his emotional and sometimes physical help if someone needed assistance. If he was ever hacking his lungs out with a cough and yet someone (most of the time, not even a friend) had a cold or flu, he would try to help them heal. If in war and he had been shot, yet someone needed help as they couldn't walk, he would rush to their side and carry them to safety, away from the battlefield. For him, not much mattered except for the other people--his people, and the citizens of other states, and sometimes countries, everyone.

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