Impossible to Hate - Michigan x M!Florida

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(Why not do Nyo! characters?)

(OMG. I said 'do the Nyo! characters'. As in..... DO. OMF!!!)

"I'm cold!" M!Florida wailed loudly, as he stopped walking. "When are we going to take a break from walking? I'm freezing to death here, I swear..."

"Please shut the hell up, or you will be MURDERED to death." Michigan complained. "Oh, great. You made me angry! Thanks. Thanks a lot!"

"It's not my fault that it's freezing outside!"

Michigan rolled his eyes and began to drag M!Florida through the snow, making tracks in the ground. "You're going to kill me with your ranting," Michigan commented, with a sigh at the end. "My house is just up ahead."

"Why do you live on a boat?" M!Florida asked, observing the scenery. Swamps. Well, rivers, but they were the ugliest rivers in the entire universe, so they could pretty much be swamps. There was a single thing floating around in the endless array of seaweed, and that single thing was a large boat.

"For personal reasons that shall not be discussed at all." Michigan replied. In reality, he had gotten away from three criminals in Detroit that had attempted to murder him over BEER that he didn't have. He didn't want to tell that to anyone.

"I'm still cold." M!Florida griped as he got onto the boat. "Does this boat have a furnace or something?"

"Will you just shut the hell up for five freaking minutes?" Michigan yelled. "You're like my sister! Obnoxious as hell, yet . . . . . Yet impossible to hate."

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