Tacos - TexMex/MexTex

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Requested by FemTexasHetalia

Ship: Mexico x Fem!Texas

(The ship name is still undecided, though TexMex/MexTex has been around for more than just this chapter. I guess for Fem!Texas, it's TexMex, but for Texas, it can be MexTex. Or vice versa. Or it may work that way for Mexico and F!Mexico....idk.)

"You guys!" Mexico screamed so suddenly. "THERE'S NO MORE TACOS!!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, making everyone look at him, probably thinking, 'What the hell's with that guy?'. 

"What?!" Mexico snapped, giving everybody a death glare. "Do you all know what it's like when all of the tacos are gone? It feels like having a hangover, but a billion times worse!" Everyone was still staring at him. 

Suddenly, someone else spoke. "Y'all are so rude. Y'all have obviously never had tacos before, or else you'd have an addiction to them."

That person, F!Texas, walked toward Mexico, and when she was there, she faced him and said, "By the way, the tacos aren't gone. Have you checked your kitchen? It's infested in tacos. Check your kitchen." Mexico nodded, and began walking away. He stopped a few metres away from where he first was, and turned around.

"Aren't you coming?" He asked her. F!Texas grinned, and, with a smile on her face, ran to Mexico. The two of them walked to his house, ready to shove an entire crap-ton of tacos down their throats, just like Germany chugged beer on bad days.

After they had eaten all of the tacos (which took, like, 10 seconds), Mexico said to F!Texas, "Thanks. For saving the tacos."

"No problem," F!Texas replied. "We should eat tacos together more often."

"We eat tacos together every day." Mexico pointed out. "It's getting annoying because we always eat all the sauce and I spend $100 on sauce each week." He paused, taking a sip of water. "But, you know, for you, it's worth it. And way more."

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