Ice Bucket Challenge (NYMont)

35 4 1

Ship: NY x Vermont

Request by: skywalkersolo6

"I'm bored," Vermont sighed, making his signature bored face (which looked like a Vernon-from-Harry-Potter as well as an angry kitten hybrid). He then got an idea.

Vermont grabbed his laptop from his desk, and went on Google, searching up 'Fun challenges to do with friends." A grin made its way onto his face when he saw one particular challenge. Salt. Ice. Challenge. That, or maybe... Cinnamon. Freaking. Challenge. Or MAYbe.... Ice Bucket Challenge.

"But who to do these challenges with?" Then, a smirk crawled across his face. This was an evil smirk, something you would expect the devil to smile with. "New," Vermont began, pausing for a second. "York."


There were bangs on his door. He sighed, shoving his laptop onto his coffee table. Couldn't he just read all of the new BuzzFeed updates BEFORE answering? WHY, EVERY TIME he got on his favorite website, SOMEONE interrupted him?!

New York was surprised to see Vermont at his doorstep, holding a large box in both of his hands. "Y'ello," Vermont said, getting an eyebrow raise from New York.

"Let me see... Amazon delivery?" New York asked sarcastically.

"Nope," Vermont said. "I want you to do one of these challenges with me."

"Fine." New York huffed. "What are my options?"

"Salt-ice, ice bucket, and cinnam--"

"Ice bucket!" New York jumped. "You can get KILLED by the other two!"

Vermont opened one of the boxes, which contained two big buckets and a bunch of ice cubes. "Here ya go," he said, handing his friend one of the icy buckets, and grabbing one for himself. "On three. One. Two." He paused. "THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

They both tipped over their buckets and let the cold ice cubes fall down on them.

"WHAT THE FREAK?! OW, SHIT! THEY'RE FALLING ON MY HEAD!" New York exclaimed, in a failed attempt to stop the ice cubes from hitting him in the top of his head. "WHY DID YOU MAKE ME DO THIS?!"

"It's fun," Vermont replied. "Fun, but cold."


"You have horrible pain tolerance," Vermont stated his assumptions. "But seriously, you're okay, right?"


Vermont sighed. "Then, I guess, I'm sorry for making you do that."

"I don't forgive you."

"Yes you do." Vermont said. "I know you well enough. We're buds. I know you well enough to know that you forgive me. If I murdered you, you would still forgive me."

"Sadly, yes."

"Knew it."

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