Price Plus Tax (MaiMont - Maine x Vermont)

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Requested by: in_constructiom

"Oh my gosh," Maine said, looking at her car. "SERIOUSLY? DAMN IT!" Italy had been running around with a fork, and now there were 4 large scratch marks on her brand new vehicle. "Well, that really sucks," she sighed.

"What sucks?" Someone suddenly said. Maine looked up to see...VERMONT? What the hell was Vermont, of all people, doing here?

"Italy destroyed the paint of my new car," Maine sighed, pointing to the marks that Italy's fork had made on her vehicle. "That costed so freaking much!"

Vermont smiled. "I'm pretty good at painting stuff," he said, holding his chin up proudly. "I'm pretty sure I can paint your car. I think I have that shade somewhere in my garage." He looked at the car. "Yep. I definitely have that one."

Maine sighed. "It'll cost me a fortune." She grumped.

"We'll see about that." Vermont walked away and came back in a few minutes, with a bunch of paint cans and brushes in his arms. He selected one, and began painting the car. Eventually, he finished, looking very proud of himself.

Maine looked. She was pretty impressed at how good Vermont was at painting. She didn't even remember WHERE Italy had scratched it. But then, she remembered, all things come with a cost, most a very expensive one.

"So...what do I pay you?" Maine asked.

"I told you, not cash." Vermont replied. He walked toward her. When he was really close to her, Vermont grabbed Maine and kissed her on the lips. "A kiss. That's what."

He pulled away, and him and Maine were both blushing madly. They were redder than Antonio's tomatoes (now, that's red!).

"Should I pay you a kiss... Plus another kiss? You know, price plus tax?" Maine asked, a toothy grin on her face.

"Price plus tax." Vermont smiled, and they both pulled in for a kiss. Neither of them had much experience kissing, so it was awkward. Maine was still smiling her toothy smile, and Vermont had his eyes wide open.

When they pulled away, they were both smiling awkwardly. "So....thanks for....painting my car." Maine said, still blushing like mad. Vermont clicked his tongue, and thanked her for kissing him. 

"Kind of makes me wonder: What will happen if Italy scratches my paint off again?" 

"I guess we'll have to wait and see."

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