Chapter 3 - Spooky Scary Skeleton Bros

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In My Office...

Me: *typing up the story*

*door knocks*

Me: Hmm? *remove my headphones* Who is it?

???: It's me, Frisk.

Me: Aww... my favourite protagonist is here. *opens the door and let Frisk in*

Frisk: What are you doing?

Me: Me? Finish the story for Part 3.

Frisk: That's cool, what's about?

Me: It's about your adventure from Undertale. *returning back to my desk* Also, I made a chapter where you gotta meet some new friends.

Frisk: Cool, by the way, Toriel bake some butterscotch-cinnamon pie for us. You want to me to get yours?

Me: That would be wonderful, thanks Frisk! *Frisk leaves the room*


What's up buddies! Here's Part 3 of Undertale - The Story of Determination. Well, recently I was going through the Internet again and tried to find some Undertale Pairings and having a look at the fanarts on their favourites, absolutely amazing! o3o But right now, this part is based on Frisk meeting the Spooky-Scary Skele-Bros in Snowdin. I hope you enjoy this~


Previously on Undertale - The Story of Determination...

Toriel welcomed Frisk to her new home. She made a 'Butterscotch-Cinnamon Pie' for her to celebrate her arrival.

Frisk discovered that she doesn't like to be here because she wants to go home (or at least).

Toriel blocked her way and force her to stay in the RUINS. She discovered that the name 'ASGORE' will attack the humans to collect their souls.

After going through a fiery fight, Frisk had spared Toriel and she told Frisk to go ahead and never come back. (still sad though)

After leaving, she was encountered by Flowey that tells her the 'Killed or Be Killed' statement.

Finally, she pushed through the doors and finally she was free... or is it? 


Frisk's P.O.V

Cold wind howled through as I pushed the large doors opened, and I was shivering like hell. It was so cold outside that my legs are wobbling underneath me despite I wore socks instead of stockings. I trudged through the snow and playing around a bit. I was mentally giggling to myself, I have never seen so much snow before. Back on the surface where I lived, I always love snow so much that I can have lots of fun activities such as making snowmans, having snowball fights and even sliding down the snowy hill on my snow sleigh. After playing around, I continued along the gravel path and I stepped over a large stick that's in the middle of the path and kept going until I was a few feet away from it...


Suddenly, I heard a loud crack behind me. I turned around quickly but I saw nothing expect the stick just snapped instantly. "Uh-oh..." I whispered, slowly but moving along the path again, picking up the pace. Recently, I didn't notice that my whole body was shaking about something, but what? There's no one around here except me... or is someone watching me or skulking from me?

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