Just You and Me

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** Sean's perspective **

I swayed drunkenly, my balance shifting drastically. The floor rammed into my face, the cold hardwood beneath me unforgiving. The grey storm outside illuminated my apartment. My body was frigid. Lightning snapped outside. I pressed my palms against the floor, but the muscles in my arms felt weightless. The repulsive feeling in my stomach fermented. 


Thunder splintered, echoing through the neighborhood. Swallowing my phlegm, I pushed myself off the floor. I sucked air through my teeth as I used my remaining strength to rest on my knees. 

" Sean, sweetheart. Why don't we play something? I'm incredibly bored sitting here all day. I've been such a good boy. Let me out." His voice tasted like ipecac.

" Fuck's sake," I growled.

" Our pretty face will be just fine. You're being a little bitch. " He enlightened.

My knees were shaking as I stood upwards, clinging to the couch arm next to me.

" Just stop. Let me go to sleep, you sick fuck."

" It was a little bit funny, Sean. Your body is too weak to hold me back."

" It's not funny."

" Jesus, you're in a bad mood. Fine, get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow," He said.

My brain heaved a sigh of relief as I felt him leave my body.  I felt like my organs and skeleton were scooped from me. The sickening feeling of his presence never fully flushed out of my system. His nauseating tenderness pulsed in my stomach.

I grasped any objects near me as a temporary crutch. By the time I got to my room, I nearly collapsed onto the floor. I landed on my bed and could not be bothered with blankets. My aching body fell asleep within minutes. Anxiety loomed in the shadows of my room. I could not stop myself from crying silently, sobs racking my body.

Egos became very popular on the internet. While the concept is cool, it is pure fiction. When I was a kid, I got into an accident playing football, and my eye became septic. Ever since then, I started blacking out and waking up in places I'd never been to. I had this dark voice inside my head. This nauseating feeling was trapped inside my synapses. I call him Nightmare.

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now