You Don't " Handle" Me

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** Sean's perspective **

" Sounds like someone's at the door!" Jack taunted, commenting on the door being knocked on.

I'd been fighting him for control all morning. So far, I was winning.

I opened the door, to see Jett. But, he didn't come alone. I gulped as I felt the cold front of a gun press against my chest.

" Hello, Sean," Jett said, smiling.

" You've looked better," I replied, trying to lighten a bad situation with humor.

" I can't let you see Y/N ever again," Jett said, stepping into my apartment.

I jumped when he slammed the door shut. " What is this?" I asked, raising my hands up.

" I won't let you hurt them," Jett said, still holding the handgun at me.

Suddenly, Jack purred into my ear, " Any time, big guy. Let me at 'em."

This was the third time that I was fighting this guy. It didn't make any sense. At all. I wasn't going to hurt Y/N. Ever.

" I've never hurt them," I said honestly.

Jett clicked the hammer spur. My heart jumped in my throat. I couldn't die.

" Any time, boss," Jack said again.

"Fine," I said.

Quickly, Jack went to work. It was like a rollercoaster was running along my skin and through my bones. Every instance that he was coming, happened in a second. My lungs filled with black sand, my stomach caving in, and finally, having his eyes strung across mine like spiders on energy drinks. Then, it was black, and the symptoms were over. I sighed, and wanted this to be over with. Jack lifted my arms like I was a doll.

" Not this time," Jett said.

Suddenly, I heard a very large, unsettling snap. Following, a scream of agony. I struggled inside my body, trying to gain control. Trying not to have a dead body in my apartment. Then, a extremely large crack. I felt the gut-wrenching feeling of my teeth and tongue again. My teeth feeling like they are getting bent and sharpened to a sickening point. My tongue being stretched and pulled like putty or pizza dough. Just for his pleasure.

" Don't!" I said, not wanting to taste blood or feel flesh against my teeth. " Did you kill him?!"

" Stop being a baby!" Jack taunted.

I almost puked. He killed Jett. I almost started crying. What would Y/N say?

" Please... don't," I pleaded, only to feel my neck reach out.

Feeling my tongue stretch out, I tried to scream. Nothing. It was too late, as I was already tasting hot liquid copper and nickel.

" Sorry, Sean, but I need this," Jack said, lapping at the warm blood. " It was either him or Y/N. Take your pick."

I gagged and gagged at the taste of blood and feeling my teeth sink through cloth and skin. I was crying and bawling. I didn't want this. I wanted Y/N. I wanted to hold them...

Suddenly, I woke up. I never really remember passing out, but I woke up to my phone buzzing. I shook myself awake as I answered the urgent call. Afterwards, I knew I needed Jack to help me. Was him attacking Jett a dream or something? I sat up on the couch, and looked at the floor. Blood. And lots of it. I looked to see Jett. I closed my eyes immediately as I saw the corpse.


His hand was completely broken and ajar, and spine was poking out through his neck. I threw up in my mouth. That was disgusting. It was the longest five minutes of my life, but I got the blood up... and the body disposed. It was a scarring moment.

And then, I had to explain the whole Y/N situation with Jack. I needed to find them, and Jack was the one to do it.

" So, you want me, to help you?" Jack asked.

" Did I stutter?!" I snapped. " Sorry..."

" Don't apologize," Jack demanded. " Okay, I've got a location. Let's blurr ourselves there, and you handle the situation, with or without me."

I breathed out loud and replied, " Let's save Y/N."

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now