Catch 'em All

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( This is not what he does trust me. Hahahaha )

** Y/N's perspective **

Seán shouted. It's not like I wasn't used to it, he yelled for his job, but this time it was right outside my door. I poked my head forward, wondering what happened to cause him to be loud. I leaned back against the wall, and continued on my laptop. Suddenly, he bursted into my room, and looked all over it until his eyes landed on me, and a giant smile covered his pale face. I placed my laptop beside me, and looked at the green haired doof in suspicion. Then he charged me, and tackled me on my bed. He sat on my upper legs, and looked at me with those ocean eyes.

" Pokemon Go came out in Ireland today!" Seán said, panting.

I giggled and replied, " No way! Really?!/Hahaha awesome!"

" It's amazing! Wanna help me record it today?!" He asked, his voice excited like a child.

But I wasn't as excited. What would everyone say if I was in the video?!

" Uh," I replied, scared.

" You there?" He asked, waving his hand in front of my face. " There's nothing to be afraid of. It's standing behind a camera."

" Oh!" I said loudly, feeling a tad stupid.

" What? Did you think I was gonna catch you or something?" Seán questioned, smiling.

" Hahaha of course not! Just-well I don't know. Forget it," I replied awkwardly.

Seán rested his hands on the wall behind me (trapping me) and looked down at me with an arched eyebrow. He smiled at my sudden heavy breathing.

" I don't know what's gotten to you, but you are mine. I don't need to catch them all if I have you," He said in a low voice.

" N-nothing," I said flustered.

He got closer and closer to me, and still kept his mischievous yet kiddy smirk. " Are you keeping things from me?"

" It's nothing... R-really..." I choked.

Moving in until he was right in front of my face, he said in a low whisper, " Okay, I won't pester anymore. But I didn't hear a yes or no on the whole Pokemon thing..."

Having my heart leap in my throat, I barely muttered, " O-okay."

Smiling, he started leaning away. But then, something happened with the lights. His eyes changed or something, but it was just me imagining things. Then, Seán shut his eyelids, and kissed me. Part of me worried that he didn't want to kiss me, but he was just being a troll. But, this kiss felt... more lusty. More meaningful. And it was sexy/cute.

" So, how bout we record, post, then eat, then record at night?!" Sean asked.

" S-sure," I stuttered.

" Cool!" Seán said, clapping his hands together like an excited fangirl.

Seán kissed my forehead, and then confirmed if I would record him. I said yes, and watched him leave my bedroom. I grabbed my laptop and forgot what ever I was doing previously.

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now