Nightmares and Teddy Bears.

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** Y/N's perspective **

I woke up in my bed in Sean's apartment. Suddenly, the door creaked open. I lazily turned my head to look. Then, a person came into my room, shut the door, and locked it. They turned around and it was Jett. He pounced on me, and flew his hands to hold mine down. I tried flailing and kicking, but I couldn't hit him anywhere. I tried to call out for Sean, but nothing happened. 

" Sean!" I shouted. " Sean! Help me!" 

No response.

" He won't come for you. Your " Sean " nearly killed me. He choked me... and threw me against the wall. He'll do the same to you," Jett said into my ear as he pinned me down on the bed again.

" No!" I demanded. " He didn't! He wouldn't!" 

Jett looked at me and chuckled in his deep British voice. 

" You have such confidence in a man you haven't known for six months. I've known you for seven years," Jett said, looking down at me and smiling.

I struggled under his weight. Jett's fingers cut into my wrists as he held me in place against the blankets. I wasted all my energy at the beginning. 

" He has made me so much happier over the period of six months than you have over seven years!" I shot back at him.

" Don't say that, darling! I love you, and you love me!" Jett said, looking at me.

I replied, " I never loved you. You cheated on me with... six other girls. You don't love me either."

" Babe, they meant nothing," Jett lied, still on top of me."

Then, a sudden knock on the door. 

" Hey, Y/N, you alright?" Sean asked through the door.

" Sean! Please!" I begged.

Jett pinned my arm under his knee as he placed a hand firmly over my mouth. 

" Y/N? Are you okay? What's happening?" Sean questioned through the door. We heard the handle rattle as Sean wanted to get in. " Y/N!"

I wrapped my lips around Jett's skin, and used my teeth to chomp on his palm. Jett growled, and his hand rocketed from my mouth.

" It's locked!" I called out quickly.

Sean stated, " Y/N!"

Jett clamped a hand down on my mouth again. My eyes were bolting back and forth in my head as I was trying to figure out how I could escape.

" You're dreaming!" Sean shouted, his voice seemingly closer.

" Jett!" I screamed, but it was muffled. 

Suddenly, it wasn't Jett on top of me. It was Sean. But it wasn't Sean. The green haired Irishmen was coated in dark red blood. The blue eyes I loved dearly were pitch black. Sharp fangs glinted in blood. My heart stopped in my chest. What was this?! That was how Jett described Sean when they were out in the hallway. That was how he looked. 

" Y/N! Please!" Sean pleaded on top of me, angling his head to look at me from a different angle. 

Suddenly, I rocketed up. Everything eradicated from my existance. I woke up in someone's arms. I looked, and saw Sean holding me. He looked at my E/C eyes and smiled. Sean placed a hand on the back of my head and the other around my body. He pulled me in closer, and I was stuck in between his neck and his shoulder. Eventually, I rested my head on his shoulder. I smiled, as I was comfortably held by my idol. My roommate. Sean held me there. I didn't know who it comforted more; me or him. I wasn't complaining. 

" You were whispering in your sleep," Sean explained, still holding me. " You were rolling around. So... I just wrapped you in my arms and tried to reach you by telling you that it's a dream." 

I smiled. But, I was happy that it was a dream. And I was happy that Sean had held me in his warm arms. I moved slightly, but in doing so, he only held me harder.

" Thank you," I said. 

" Don't mention it, teddy bear," He said.

I wrapped my arms around him as I asked, " Teddy bear?"

Sean laid his head on my shoulder. I felt him smile. " You're my teddy bear!" Sean said. 

I was blushing and smiling like a maniac. Why would he call me a teddy bear. And he said I was his. Were we dating? Were we going to? I didn't know what to do or say.

" What do you mean?" I managed to choke out.

Sean pulled away just so he could look at my face. " Well, I think of you as my teddy bear... so do you think of me as a teddy bear?" 

I blushed and replied, " O-of course!" 

He smiled, and then hugged me again as he leaned his head on my shoulder. I leaned my head on his shoulder. 

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now