Uncomfortable Silence...

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** Sean's perspective **

I felt drained. I was tired. I sent the clips to Robin ( his editor for those who don't know ) and decided to go to bed. But something felt off... I looked around the apartment. No sign of Y/N. Maybe they were still with Flynn. Figures. The guy looks like he sprung right out of a Calvin Klein ad in a magazine. Why does Y/N attract the hottest people on the planet? Including me... Self-five.

Sitting down, I closed my eyes. My head rested on the back of the couch, and I felt my eyes droop. Suddenly, a sudden cramp in my stomach kicked me awake. I felt all the air get burst out of me. Jack. I gulped harshly as I tried to push him away.

" Let," Jack grunted. " Let me get a word in."

" No." I growled back.

Closing my eyes tightly, I shoved him back out of my mind. I felt the pain, but relief as his grip let go. I gasped and gasped for air. He was getting stronger, but so was I. I hushed myself quickly. If Y/N heard me-wait. Y/N isn't here. They were with him. I calmed myself down as I convinced myself Jack couldn't strike.

" Hmm," I said out loud.

What would I do until Y/N came back? I'll most likely play Overwatch... But it was just uncomfortable. I missed having them in my arms, and watching them breathe. What was I doing? They weren't getting kidnapped or stabbed or anything like that, but I felt that they were safer with me. it's just me being over protective. I went on Overwatch, and then clicked on my phone to get some music to distract me. I blared some music, and breathed out slowly. Y/N was fine... Y/N would be fine.

** Y/N's perspective **


" Y/N," A voice called out slowly. " Are you awake?"

Faintly, a music box was playing. Slowly winding down, and playing creepier and creepier music the slower it got. Every chopped note slowly waking me up. My head was slamming against my skull. Slowly, my eyelids fluttered open, to see the handsome face. I looked around, and saw I was on a soft white couch. Looking around, I looked over the living room.

It was wonderfully clean

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It was wonderfully clean. It made me feel safe, but the music was putting me on edge. Then, it stopped. It wound, then stopped. I saw Flynn look over on the kitchen counter, which was to the right of the living room, and stared at the music box. It was blue and brown, with a pale ballerina wearing a blue dress.

" Ugh," I mumbled, feeling pounding on my skull.

" Shh, beautiful," Flynn hushed. " Ya hit your head pretty hard. Lay down, and if ya want, I'll give ya some pain killers."

Closing my eyes tightly in pain, I groaned out. It hurt so bad.

" What... happened?" I asked, grumbling.

" Ya don't remember?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I shook my head softly. Chuckling, Flynn said, " You hit the ground so fast that I couldn't catch ya. You hit ya head on the car, and then got knocked out cold."

That did not sound normal. At all. Why would I just collapse?

" Where am I? This doesn't look like heaven..." I snarked, trying to sit up.

Flynn's arms reached out to me, like a safety protocol. " My place," He replied.

Slowly, but surely, I sat up, and immediately used my hand to hold my head. I groaned. Flynn looked sad, but happy. Is that a thing? Well, that's how he looked. His place was beautiful though. It was colorful, but plain and classy. I loved it. But, I didn't feel the welcoming wood I felt when I was at Sean's. I wasn't in Sean's arms... I wanted my idol. I wanted my boyfriend.

" So, I'll be fine," I said, putting his worries to rest.

" I know.. but I don't want you to hurt yourself again," Flynn explained, smiling.

" I'll be fine. I've been literally kicked out of my apartment. I'll just be going..." I said, wobbly standing up.

" Don't leave," Flynn begged.

I sighed and replied, " We can always see each other again. I just want to go home and-"

" See Sean?" Flynn retaliated.

" No," I said, clenching my hand into a fist. I breathed out slowly and said, " I'm leaving."

Suddenly, Flynn went up and hugged me. I stood their with my arms out awkwardly. I uncomfortably patted him on his back as he clung onto me.

" Please don't leave me too," Flynn said, sniffling.

Was he crying?!

" I just want to go home. You can call me later, and then I wouldn't be leaving you," I explained, pulling away from the hug.

" I-I-I," Flynn stuttered.

Walking towards his front door, I said, " I'll call you later, Flynn."

I grasped for a handle... to find none. There was a lock on the inside of the door. I looked around for a doorknob to grab to open the door. None. I pushed against the door; nothing. What the hell?!

" I'm sorry, Y/N," Flynn said, suddenly right behind me. " I can't let you leave. I just can't. Jett would-"

" Jett?!" I shouted, angry that I couldn't leave.

" He doesn't want you around your roommate. He's dangerous."

I balled up my fists. " Why does everyone keep saying that?!"

" I can't let you leave. I'm sorry."

" Let me leave!" I shouted, turning around and banging my fists on the door.

Flynn sighed, and then walked into the kitchen. " Food?" He asked.

" Food?! No! I want to leave!" I said.

" I already told you-"

" I know! You're keeping me prisoner but you're sorry!" I shouted.

Having my eyes dash around, I noticed a window beside the front door. I looked around, but saw nothing really. But, I saw something that could possibly break the windows. The music box.

" I guess..." I said, realizing how terrible of an actor I was.

Flynn turned around and smiled. " You need something? Ya know, besides getting out?"

" Can you make me some soup?" I asked, flashing a fake smile and walked near the counter.

" Why of course, perfect!" Flynn chirped.

I smiled again, and waited. Flynn turned around, and started walking away towards the cabinets. When he started digging, I grabbed the music box, and dashed towards the door.

I stood back, and threw it hard. Everything went in slow motion, and my heart got caught in my throat. I heard something crack.  Suddenly, the music box came at me, in a million little pieces. My eyes went wide as I dropped onto the floor. I was showered in wood and paint chips. I looked up, to see the window in perfect condition. The music box played parts of it's creepy song, then stopped.

" Wha?" I whispered, my heart shattering with the box.

" Beautiful," A smooth voice called out. " That's a pretty mean throw. But, that is a bullet proof window. An old music box isn't going to shatter it."

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now