Normal, Right?

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** Y/N's perspective **

I floated towards my apartment. It was true... you could hear the loud music all the way to his apartment, the sound waves making the entire floor vibrate. Nearing towards my apartment, the music only got louder and the lights flooded underneath the crack of the door.

Opening the door, everything hit me at once. The rancid smell of sweat and alcohol, the pounding music, and the flashing wavelengths of color. I stepped in and shut the door quietly, besides all of the loudness happening, and waded through the crowd.

" Y/N!" A familiar voice called.

I turned to see Gi swerving through the people. She came over to me. I could smell her breath from a foot away, and she was stumbling.

" Hey Gi," I said, squinting my eyes to look at her.

" I saw you help that douche and stuff..." She lingered.

" Can we talk about this later?" I asked.

" Loser." She said and stuck her tongue out at me.

I rolled my eyes and wandered to my room. I opened the door to see a naked man and another naked man having sex. On my bed.

" Oh my god!" I shrieked and covered my eyes.

My face was hot and bright red, as I shut the door quickly. I just wanted to let sleep comb over me like a dark shadow.

" Come on, William. Let's go!" One of them roared.

They came out half dressed and brushed past me in disgust.

I shut the door and sighed. My clothes were all torn out of my closet and all over my floor. I opened the closet door and saw two people making out in the corner.

" What the hell!" I shrieked. " Get out!"

They looked at me rudely and walked out while clinging to each other. As they left, I slammed the door behind them.

" Why? Why me?" I asked myself, not even hearing my own words.

I examined my room and sat on my bed. I held my head in my hands. Too much was swirling in my mind. Maybe jacksepticeye made up an excuse to get rid of me. I'd totally understand something like that. Makes more sense than his little fit. Fuck, the music was so damn loud. It was making my dresser shake.

( After cleaning and falling asleep )

My alarm beeped for my awakening, prodding at my slumber like thorns. I groaned and pulled my pillow over my head. I waited patiently for it to stop, which never came.

I grabbed a throw pillow in reach and threw it at my alarm clock. It clunked with it but didn't shut it off. I whimpered into my pillow. I rolled closer to the noise and threw my arm as dead weight. It landed right on a water glass and knocked it over. I flopped my hand around trying to feel it.

After going through five minutes of shutting it off, I did it. I was never more at ease. I snuggled up in my sheets again... and heard it start beeping.

I slowly sat upright and looked around my room. I was shocked that I slept through an entire party. The entire night before had taken every cell of energy I had inside me. My throat was dry, my skin was screaming, and in general, I felt like a breathing corpse.

My dream was very weird. Hell, Y/N, you already know how it went. Never reading fan fictions before bed. I picked my laptop off my bed and placed it on my nightstand. I dragged myself to my bathroom and grabbed my toothpaste and toothbrush.

I scrubbed my mouth until it was so minty I could taste it by breathing. A good few minutes was necessary to wash my face until I felt every pore was clean. I changed out of my "party clothes" and put on a simple outfit.

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now