A New Face

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** Y/N's perspective **

Well, Sean's shopping list was interesting. Cookies were on there...

I needed some air. Ireland was still beautiful as ever. It was humid but better than rain and snow. But today, it was a little chilly today, so I borrowed his blue hoodie. I walked to the shop and tried to clear the butterflies out of my stomach. I tried not to lecture myself about everything that has happened and how lucky I am, but I couldn't help it. 

I grabbed everything we needed and floated through the shop. Almost reaching the checkout, I accidentally ran into some guy. More like he body-checked me to the cold shiny tile. All of my items went everywhere, and so did his. Apologizing quickly, I looked up at him. He was gorgeous. His face was tan, and his hair was dark brown. He was wearing a teal hoodie and a white undershirt. His eyes were a nice grayish blue. I apologized again, blushing while I sat on the ground. But, he didn't even apologize. He picked up his things and just walked away. I blinked at him. Did he seriously just body-check me and not say sorry?! And leave me here?

Suddenly, someone cleared their throat. I looked up at them, with anger and disgust.

A man was covering his mouth with the collar of his hoodie. He was staring at me with his hazel and blue eyes. He wore a nice watch.

" Here," he said, in an extreme Irish accent. " let me help ya."

" I got it," I muttered.

He shook his head and squatted down. Slowly, he put my groceries in the plastic basket. I scrambled to get everything else in my basket. I wanted to be back at the apartment.

" So, I saw what that lad did to ya," He said when we finally got everything back.

Stretching out his hand as he stood up, I took it and stood up myself.

" Yeah. It's fine," I said, rubbing the back of my neck with my hand.

" No, it's not. I should have beat 'em to the pulp then and there," He wished, taking off his hood.

His brown hair was more prominent now, and his ears were red from the cold.

" I'm fine, really," I said, smiling politely.

" Well," he started. " I'm not a photographer, but I can picture us in the future."

I blushed, but wondered instantly, why am I getting hit on at the shop. I felt nervous about rejecting his advances, as men have a history of taking no as an insult and acting violently.

" That's sweet but uh, I have a boyfriend," I replied.

" If you see something perfect, you just have to say something," He exclaimed, smiling a pearly white smile.

" That's nice," I said, laughing softly.

He replied, " I haven't used it before, but I waited for someone as stunning as you to chat with."

I didn't think he got the hint.

" Here, I need to buy these," I said, trying to dive out of this.

He nodded. " Talk to ya later!"

I nodded and then paid for my things. The second I walked out the doors, I looked over and saw him leaning against the outer walls of the shop.

" Hello," I said again, smiling.

" Hey!" He said excitedly, getting off the wall and running up to me. " I didn't catch ya name!"

" Y/N," I replied.

" My name's Flynn. 'Case you wanna talk with me again," Flynn introduced, smiling.

I grinned. " Nice to meet you, Flynn!"

" Nice to meet such a beautiful person like yourself, Y/N," He complimented.

" Thank you," I said, heading back to the apartment.

" Here, let me walk ya back," he said.

I kindly shut him down by saying, " No thank you."

" Ah! Come on, it's the least I can do," Flynn said.

I let him walk me mostly home. All he talked about was me and my perfection. I constantly reminded him that I was not single. Somehow in the fear of danger and his niceness, he gave me his number and said we had to hang out sometime. I wasn't sure how I felt. I felt weird and on edge. He was nice, I suppose. I made a new friend. Friend.

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now