How I Met My Idol

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** Y/N's perspective **

The speakers blared in my ears. My roommate decided that we should throw a "New Apartment Party" since we just moved to Ireland. She and I were danced along to the music. The bass caused a mild simulation of an earthquake which shook the furniture.

The rainbow lights shined all over the apartment, causing the shadows to cascade across the drunkard's faces. I could smell the alcohol in the air. It made me sick bouncing up and down, but I tried my best to ignore it.

Suddenly, a loud banging came from the outside. The music felt like it turned up by itself. I could feel the beat drop approach in my stomach. Gi, who was my roommate, went to check outside. She looked into the peek hole.

" Hell yeah!" She shouted, putting her hands up to her mouth for more volume. " PIZZA MAN IN THE HOUSE!" Gi yelled. Everyone cheered and yelled in response.

She swung open the door as if she was ripping off a band-aid. I watched as she was talking to the pizza guy. If she was hitting on the poor person because she was hammered... Her lonely heart could never be satisfied.

I stood on my tippy toes to see the situation

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I stood on my tippy toes to see the situation. I saw a man with seemingly light green hair, surprisingly the same height as my friend. He had a wool beanie that covered most of his head.

I swerved my way through the sweaty twenty-year-olds and stood right beside her.

"-little loud." He said, with an accent of some sort. His eyes were a soft blue under the random lights flooding from our apartment.

" So?" Gi asked.

" I actually have a job that's sound sensitive and loud noises like these are taking away from the audio." He explained, smiling.

Woah. He looked familiar.

" What'cha doing, recording porn or something?" She questioned, rudely.

" No! It's an internet job and I upload videos at certain times and if I don't upload in time, my fans, they'll-" he said before Gi cut him off.

" They'll what, unlike or whatever? That's not a real job or anything." She stumbled. " I don't give a shit that we are loud. Just tune it out."

" Would you please turn down the music?" He asked loudly.

" No. You don't even have pizza. Why come over when all you do is complain and you didn't bring food or alcohol? You're a horrid guest." Gi said, her drunken tongue slurring her every word.

" Come on, have some courtesy!" He demanded.

" I'm not going to!" She stomped like a child in a tantrum.

" Please? This is my job and your party is loud as fuck. Respect your neighbors," he said.

Gi laid in the doorway, refusing to move. " No!" She said smiling.

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now