I'm Begging You

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** Y/N's perspective **

Vomiting. Lots of vomiting the second I left Flynn's house. I hadn't eaten anything, but now my stomach was for sure empty. I heard Jack scream, so I bolted to Flynn's car. I almost started crying in happiness as I saw his keys still in there.

I hopped in the front seat and spent no time getting it started and driving away. I grabbed the paper towels on the seat behind me and wiped myself clean of... blood. I banged my fist against the steering wheel as I sobbed hysterically.

How did this happen? Everything was so perfect...

" Why?" I sobbed, angry and miserable. " Why me? Why... him?!"

I adjusted my grip on the wheel and turned towards the apartment. I couldn't get over the disgusting images I saw in my head. Eventually, I got to the apartment and slammed the door shut as I showered. The hot water couldn't wash the mental grime I had to deal with.

Suddenly, I heard something shut. It must've been the front door. Jack. I immediately shut the door to my room, locked it, and slowly dragged myself down the door and leaned against it. I couldn't die like this. Warm tears slipped down my face as I leaned back my head. A shy set of knocks made me jump.

I didn't want to die.

" Y/N?" Sean asked quietly through the door, punctuating his sentence with a sigh. " You in here?"

I tried to steady my breathing so that he couldn't hear me.

" Y/N... it's me, Sean. Please. Open the door," He begged.

" How do I know it's not Nightmare?" I mumbled, feeling my stomach tie itself into a knot.

Sean sighed and replied, " It's me."

In a blind leap of faith, I decided to trust him.

I breathed out, stood up, and unlocked the door. I slowly opened it to see Sean. He was roughed up, but he didn't have any of those monster-like features. I opened the door fully. It was still Sean. Same green hair, same pale skin, same blue eyes. But I didn't feel like it was him.

" What?" I asked softly.

" Please... let me explain," Sean pleaded.

" Explain to me why Flynn is dead and you ate him!" I shouted, snapping.

" I know this is a lot. I'm sorry... But please. Can you come out to the living room and we can talk?" Sean asked.

I stayed in the same spot. I didn't want to. I didn't want to be here anymore.

" I'm begging you here," Sean begged.

Agreeing, I went into the living room.

" Please, explain," I said, sitting down on the couch.

" Where do I start..?" Sean joked. I didn't laugh. " Well... this all started out when I cut my eye on a kid's futbol cleat. My eye got really infected, thus getting the name ' jacksepticeye ' and all. Then... well I don't know. But since I can remember I've had Nightmare there; talking and persuading me... Then, he slowly gained control of me and my body... And it was too much to handle...so, we made a deal."

I questioned, " What deal?"

He continued, " Well... If he left me alone for a week... then before that he could, well take control and do whatever... Before you say anything, I know it is so messed up but if you were in my situation you would have done the same thing and I just got used to it..."


( I'm updating again tonight. Do not worry. See ya later! )

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now