Can I Talk to You For a Moment..?

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** Flynn's perspective **

I had been smiling non-stop for the last week. Y/N was it. They were the cells in my body, the atoms around me. The empty shell I carry with me now feels full.
I am going to cradle them with compliments and kisses and end up being next to them as they sleep. I cannot wait to watch as they rest.

First, I planned weeks ahead. I informed a new acquaintance that Y/N is still kicking. I decided to visit my black haired friend in the hospital and inform them that Y/N was alright.

A small, broken and fragile smile ghosted his lips.

The little devil can't go near them for legal reasons, but he wishes us the best.

Next, I planned a little day to ourselves. Lunch at their favorite place, bring something a little romantic, be as sweet as a cherry pie, and wait for Y/N, to hopefully be in love. Then, I can win them over.

Then, wait. Patience is the most important process of earning someone. Keyword earning. I needed to wait until they would say a day and time. That meant opening every day until they weren't busy.

Finally, the reward. The butterflies you feel when they step out of their apartment or house, and you admire their beauty frame by frame. It's every time I see them, I get more drawn to them. Those eyes lure me in and I want to fly straight into the flames.

Suddenly, I was yanked by their sweet voice.

" Hey!" Y/N said, honey saturating ever syllable.

" Hey!" I replied, exhaling.

They smiled at me, and asked, " So, where are we going?"

I breathed out slowly and answered, " Y/F/F/P ( Your Favorite Fancy Place ). That alright, beautiful?"

They blushed softly and smiled. " I love that place! It's one of my favorites."

Grinning, I said," Isn't that perfect? Then shall we get going?"

Y/N nodded and headed to my car. " Wait, did you walk with me, then walk back and drive home?"

" Yes," I replied.

" You didn't have to do that/You could have driven me back," Y/N said.

That was a small but painful sting. I know they meant no harm, but I was taken aback.

" Fair enough, but I wasn't really thinkin' straight," I said, using my accent to act innocent.

Using my accent was certainly making Y/N smile. They got in the passenger's seat of the car and shut the door before I could shut it for them. I walked around and opened my door. I looked over and saw Y/N be off in their thoughts.

" Thinkin bout something?" I asked, sitting in the front.

They replied, " Nothing." I gave them a suspicious raise of my eyebrow. That made them cave as they admitted, " Your accent reminds me a lot of my boyfriends."

Heart. Shattered.

Blood. Boiling.

Mind. Racing.

Don't... show... me.

" What boyfriend?" I asked as I turned on the car, blinking.

" His name is Sean, my roommate? I think I told you about him. You just reminded me of the first time I met him, that's all," Y/N explained.

" Ah," I replied.

I gripped my steering wheel until I got white knuckles. Why did they bring up someone else?! It was going perfectly fine. I breathed out slowly. Their time would come. I needed to win over Y/N. That reminded me.

Reaching back, I grabbed the bundle of flowers, and smoothly handed them off.

" Aww! Thank you!" Y/N said, putting the flowers to their face and smelling them. " They're beautiful!"

" Not as beautiful as you, of course," I complimented.

Y/N smiled their awkward smile and showed their light blush. I smiled politely and started driving to Y/F/P. The car hummed along the street, and we made it.

The place was very nice. Booths, tables, and people have strung around, being busy like bees. I had reserved a two person booth beforehand and thus saying my full name, we were seated immediately. I sat down across from them. We picked up our menus and started looking through the selections.

" What do you want?" Y/N asked.

" Oh, uh, still looking. You?" I replied.

They cleared their throat, and said, " Well, my favorite is the Y/F ( Your Favorite ), but it isn't cheap..."

" Please. Money isn't an issue. You'll get your Y/F" I said honestly.

Looking at me, they smiled.

I loved that smile.

" No, really, it's fine," Y/N said.

" I'm serious," I said sternly. " I'll get ya whatever ya want."

Y/N looked happily nervous, and replied, " You sure?"

" Of course! Ya deserve the entire world, but if I can get ya your favorite, I'll get it. No questions asked."

They grinned in pleasure. " Okay, if you say so."

I smiled and called a waitress over. We ordered our food, they had Y/F, and I had the daily soup. We talked about friends, family, jobs, and finally, their roommate/partner. I hate to kill him, but I need to. Y/N seems to be telling me 95% of this mystery man. Y/N keeps saying that he is their boyfriend, which I don't understand. They aren't dating. They can't be. That would ruin everything I have worked hard for. Every step along the way, crushed. Them being my soulmate... down the drain... I couldn't let that happen. Too much time was spent on Y/N to have them be ripped from my hands by another man.

Eventually, lunch turned into dinner which meant night time. It ended up that we had chatted the day away. I listened to them, while I was writing down mental notes. I examined them closely, asking for more and more. Sadly, Y/N said they had to go back. Go back to their " boy friend " or whatnot. We started walking back to my car in comforting silence.  The streets were dark and quiet.

" I can't wait to tell Sean what a great day today was!" Y/N said, stepping beside my car.

Again, I felt angry. A burning rage inside my soul that took control of my actions and emotions. I was going to burst. I felt my blood pumping through my veins and through my ears. Y/N was mine. I walked to the driver's side of the car and a shine of metal caught the corner of my eye. I looked in the back of my car and saw I had a pipe laying lazily on the backseat. I opened the car door and grabbed it. I hid it behind my back and walked up to them. This was the only chance I had to take them for my own.

Unable to control myself anymore, my eyes opened wide as I asked, " Can I talk to you for a moment?"

** Y/N's perspective **

" Can I talk to you for a moment?" Flynn asked, his voice cracking.

Those words were no longer in the cute Irish accent. They were brutal and insane. Words that fucking scared me. I stepped back and felt the car against me while he walked towards me.

" What d-do you want to talk about?" I stuttered accidentally.

Then, black.

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now