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** Y/N's perspective **

" What...? No way... you can't," A quiet voice asked suddenly. It seemed distant.

I could feel my eyebrows furrowed in curiosity.

I sat up slowly.

Sitting up too fast makes all of my blood rushes everywhere, and I get sick. I sat on the bed and had my legs hang over the side. I almost stood out of the bed, but I heard footsteps coming down the hall. My heart suddenly started running and beating like crazy. I panicked. Either try to pass off sleeping or just admit that I am awake. I don't know why it affected me this much. Whatever I do, isn't important. It's not like I am a kid who-

" I won't do it. Neither will you. Stop," Sean's voice commanded.

That settled my decision quickly as I turned and flopped down on the bed. I immediately pulled the covers on me and closed my eyelids. I sprawled out and attempted to make it seem like I was actually sleeping. I tried to relax my breathing and make it seem like I was asleep. I tilted my head to the side so it was realistic.

" Hey, Y/N?" Sean asked quietly while knocking on the door.

I didn't reply. I was not sure if I should. Suddenly, I heard a loud thud. It was like something just slammed into the wall beside the door.

" You can't. I won't let you, ya bastard," Sean cursed.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and Sean left the room in a rush. I opened my eyes and looked around. No sign of Sean or the disturbance. I glanced around the area. I had not seen this room before... but it looked familiar. I stood up slowly and rested my arms on the mattress. I breathed out loudly and stood up. I opened the door and walked outside. I recognized the hallway. Looking back at the room I slept in, I realized that it was Sean's. A smile tugged my lips upward.

I walked slowly and solemnly to the kitchen. Sean was up ( not surprising ) and was making something over the stove. Turning my head curiously, I tried to examine what he was cooking; I couldn't see a damn thing. I was extremely nervous for some reason as I walked closer to him. I didn't know why. My feet were freezing while I walked across the cold wood floors of his apartment barefooted.

I got closer and saw the back of Sean clearly now. He was wearing his maroon sweatpants and a black shirt that I couldn't quite see the design of. Sean turned around and jumped at my sudden appearance. He was wearing his black glasses, and the glare from the window made a shine on his lenses.

" Jesus, you scared me!" He complained, putting a hand on his chest in comfort.

" Sorry," I said dully, trying to muster the energy.

Sean frowned slightly and asked, " Is everything alright? Did you get enough sleep? What happened?"

I smiled at his worry. " No no, nothing. I'm just tired that's all. And also, just curious, did you hit yourself?"

He looked at me in confusion. " What?" He asked, his voice cracking.

" I woke up because I heard something smack against the wall or something. It made a loud thud," I explained, smiling on the inside because he voice cracked.

" I tripped and fell and hit the wall. I'm sorry, I didn't know that would wake you up!" Sean apologized. He took off his glasses and started to clean them with his shirt while looking at me with sympathy. " Apology pancakes?"

Who could say no to him and his cute face and his apology pancakes? " I'm starving. Let's get some pancakes on!"

" Awesome!" He said as he smiled his happy little smile with a little laugh at the end.

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now