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** Y/N's perspective **

A set of knocks made me jump. 

" Y/N?" Sean asked through the door.

 I sighed gratefully, and sat up. I turned around and opened the door. Sean had a bruise over parts of his face. There was a small cut, but otherwise no damage was really done. I charged at him, and hugged him. He was shocked at first, and outstretched his arms in surprise. I didn't care if he didn't hug me. As long as I held him in my arms, I knew he was real, and that he was with me. Then, he wrapped his arms around me too. Sean held me against his warm body, and he was breathing heavily. I rested my head on his chest, and could hear his heart pound. 

" You're okay," I finally muttered, breathing out slowly. 

Sean reached down and kissed the top of my head.

" I wouldn't leave you," Sean said. 

I smiled happily. I pulled away slowly, and unwrapped my arms. He reluctantly let go. I looked at him, and he looked at me. His piercing blue eyes filled me with happiness. With blood pumping, I pushed my head forward and kissed him. Sean smiled as he wrapped his arms around me once more. I wrapped my arms around his waist as his soft lips pressed against mine in a loving manner. I just felt so safe and welcome. Nothing was wrong anymore. Every bad thought... left. It was just me and Sean, kissing. I was kissing jacksepticeye.

After kissing for what seemed like hours ( neither of ye wanted to stop ) and hours, my phone went off. We both pulled away, and looked upstairs. I dashed up the steps, and walked to my phone. I turned it on and saw a message from Gi. Hey... I'm really sorry. I shook my head and turned off my phone. I didn't want to talk with her. Ever.

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, and pulled me to them. I blushed, as I rested my hands on his hairy arms. I looked down at his fists, and saw the skin split near his knuckle. I decided not to mention his bleeding hand. We swayed together in harmony. My smile and blush was overwhelming.

" So," Sean said quietly. " Are you always this cute? Or did I just realize now that you're perfect?"

" I am not!" I said, giggling and smiling. 

Sean pulled me closer. " Then why do I feel like I'm in love?"

There and then, I died. Literally. Just throw me in front of a bus and I wouldn't feel a single thing. The man I have liked forever and ever, just said he feels in love. With me. I was so struck, I couldn't say a word. We watched as the sun crept up, painting the room in light and color. I turned around, and looked at my idol. He was still bruised. 

" Okay, love," I joked, and luckily he smiled. " let's get your face better."

Getting all of my " medical equipment" on the couch, I made Sean sit near the end. I started getting everything ready, and grasped an ice pack. I put the ice to his face in hopes that the swelling would go down.

" Ah," Sean whimpered. 

" Sorry!" I apologized quickly, feeling bad. " What happened anyways?!"

Sean paused for a second. " Well, me and Jett fought it out-ah, oww. Bad spot. Very painful." Sean said honestly while I apologized again. " Yeah. You should see him though," Sean joked.

" I'm sure you got him good," I said sarcastically. 

Sean was lucky to get out of this alive. How in the hell did he have so little marks? Jett beat everyone. There wouldn't be any exceptions for anyone...

" I'm a good fighter!" Sean swore, lifting up his arm and pointing to it.

" I'm a good fighter!" Sean swore, lifting up his arm and pointing to it

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" Well, you did get a couple of hits in. I need to bandage your hand," I said, putting my arm down.

Sean looked at me, and smiled a silly smile. " Hey! I'm in one piece. I think cake is something we need. I need beer."

I rolled my eyes and smiled. " Once I'm done patching you up, Mike Tyson."

He laughed. While I was putting bandages on his hand and face, Sean told me that Jett said he would leave us alone. Of course, I was ecstatic about it, but it made me wonder what happened to the point of where Jett  stepped away. Pushing that aside, I finally got Sean to the best of what I could do.

" Once again, Nurse Joy, you have saved me. Thank you," Sean said, laughing. " What ever can I do to repay you?" 

" Like I would know!" I exclaimed, smiling.

Sean placed all of the medical stuff on the floor, and smiled at me. Then, he slowly crawled on top of me. I slowly and awkwardly leaned back on the leather couches. Sean lowered his head, and kissed my lips. I was blushing immensely, but I enjoyed it. JACKSEPTICEYE WAS KISSING ME FOR THE THIRD TIME, AND THE SECOND TIME ON THIS COUCH. Not much else you can do, but kiss him back. 

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now