Find Me

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( And up here is a worried and scared Sean who is anxious that he'll lose you )

** Flynn's perspective **

Y/N looked very sad. I didn't understand. Why were they sad? They were with me! I'm not that bad! I was keeping them safe while my new friend was going to deal with Sean. There wasn't anything wrong with me. My house is luxurious, I have food, I have wifi; there isn't anything you wouldn't want here.

" What's wrong, perfect?" I asked, frowning like a guppy.

" I want to leave," Y/N growled, balling up their fists./" I... want to go home..." Y/N cried, closing their eyes in defeat.

" Don't do this, Y/N. I just don't want ya to get hurt..." I said.

" I want to go. Right now," Y/N said, angry.

I sighed. " I can't let ya."

Suddenly, Y/N lunged at me, like a wild cheetah. They jumped onto me, and I fell harshly on the ground. I pushed my arms against the ground, and used my strength to flip upwards. They looked at me with anger. Then, they swung at me. I easily grabbed their arm, and flipped them over my shoulder. Y/N grunted as they hit the ground. Then, they thrust their leg towards mine, trying to trip me and knock me down. I simply moved. They mumbled something under their breath. I couldn't hear it, but I bet it wasn't very nice. Y/N sat up, and looked at me.

" Just let me go," Y/N said.

" I need to wait until me friend handles Sean-"

" What?" Y/N interrupted.

" Yes. Me friend will handle Sean, and then ya can return safe and sound. Promise," I explained.

They looked at me in shock. " What the hell do you mean, 'handle'?!" They said.

" Handle, erase, exterminate, delete, murder, take care of; it's the same song and dance, beautiful," I clarified.

" I'll kill you," Y/N threatened.

I shook my head and smiled. " Ye couldn't. And, if ya mustered up the courage, it would be an honor to be killed by ya."

" I will kill you," Y/N said.

" Ya won't though," I replied, walking into the kitchen. " I'm too cute. Also, I love calling ya beautiful and perfect, but maybe a more suitable name for our relationship. Like Senpai?"

" How about me calling the police for me being kidnapped and missing?" Y/N shouted.

" Silly. Ye can't be missing if no one knows where you are," I said, opening a cabinet to look for food.

Seeing the shelves, there really wasn't much stuff. I shut the doors, and then went towards my fridge. I opened the doors. Nothing really popped out at me. I grabbed the box of strawberries, and the canister of whipped cream. I turned to look at Y/N, to see that they weren't there.

" Hmmm..." I said out loud.

** Y/N's perspective **

I dashed the second Flynn turned his back. I ran through the house, and the second I saw a bathroom, I ran in and shut the door. Luckily, it had a lock. Immediately, I locked the door, and leaned against the back of the door.

Pulling out my phone, I immediately called Sean. It rang a couple of times before he answered.

" Y/N?" Sean asked.

" Sean!" I cried out quietly.

" Hey! What's up? Where are you?" He asked, worried.

I breathed out and in quickly, and said, " I think Flynn hit me and I-"

" Hit you?!" Sean asked.

" Yes! Then he took me to his place and now he won't let me leave and apparently he has someone coming over to the apartment to kill you!" I said, trying not to have a panic attack.

" Jett?" Sean asked.

" What? Jett?" I questioned.

Sean replied, " Yeah. Jett came over with a gun. Is that Flynn's friend?"

" I don't know..." I replied.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. I tensed up in fear. " Y/N?" Flynn called out.

" Who was that?" Sean asked through the phone.

" Y/N?" Flynn asked again.

" I'm, uh, using the bathroom!" I replied to Flynn.

" Okay! See you soon beautiful!" He complimented. .

I breathed out heavily and shakily.

" Okay. I'm coming to get you. Where are you?" Sean asked.

" I... don't know..." I confessed.

Sean sighed. " Don't panic. I'll get there soon. I'll find you."

" Okay..." I said, almost crying.

There was no way he could find me. I was going to be stuck. I was going to die here. I took a good guess that all of the windows were unbreakable, and if there were any doors, they would be locked. I felt like a popped ball.

" I will get you, Y/N. Don't worry," Sean comforted.

" I hope so..." I mumbled.

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now