Ignoring Voices

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** Sean's perspective **

I shut my door with a sigh and fell forward onto my bed with my arms sprawled to my sides. It had never felt more welcoming. I rolled myself over and stared at my ceiling. I flopped my arms over and laid them across my stomach. I had almost sixteen thousand thoughts in my head. I couldn't think clearly. Most of them were about my videos and my career.

" Stop boring me with your YouTube shit," Jack complained, moaning.

" Stop thinking my thoughts." I retorted proudly.

My breath was rushed and quick. I inhaled deeply through my nose, and harshly out my mouth. I wiped a rag on my forehead and drank my water thirstily. I shut off my tv. The workout had been rough. As I was drinking out of the bottle, a sudden quiet knock scared me. I didn't really scream, but my water was all down the front of my shirt. I rolled my eyes at my luck and smiled at myself.

Looking at myself, I saw that my shirt was now clinging to my chest. I hopped my way over to the door and swung it open. I saw the back of a person. They were looking around at the hallways and around at the halls.

" Uh, yes?" I asked, trying to cover my wet body by crossing my arms.

They turned around and faced me. It was Y/N. I smiled at them and was glad it was just them. They awkwardly looked up and down my body. A light blush was on their cheeks.

" Hi..." Y/N said, looking down at their feet.

" What's up?" I questioned, leaning up against the door.

" I was wondering... if you wanted to hang out." They said quietly, their face in a sudden burst of red.

I smiled and replied, " Sure! I just got done with a workout! Come on in!"

They smiled back. " Coolness."

I went inside my apartment and let them brush past me. They glanced around the apartment in wonder. I shut the door quietly and went beside them. I slapped my hands on the sides of my upper legs, as I usually did when I felt awkward or wanted to talk to someone. Y/N looked at me. I smiled brightly.

" So, you bored enough to hang out with Jackaboy?" I teased.

" No! Not at all! I just wanted to hang out, if that's alright with you... and Frank is over and it's just awkward for me." Y/N replied quietly.

" No need!" I declared, moving my fists onto my hips. " Captain Jack is here to save the day!"

Y/N smiled at my stupidity.

" I kind of call you Sean... Is that alright?" They asked me, partially worried that they called me by the wrong name.

" I don't care! I just think that if someone calls me Sean, that they know me or something. You can call me either." I replied, making the best of my answer.

They smiled and stood awkwardly as they looked downwards at their feet.

" Sooooo..." I lead on, sounding like a child.

" Uh, what?" They replied, looking up at me with their stunningly beautiful E/C eyes. How could I have not have noticed how Y/N's eyes are full of energy and life?

It struck me dumb.

" Oh! Did you, uh, want something to eat or something?" I asked, mentally stabbing myself.

" It's fine, really!" They replied. " I don't want to intrude on your vide-"

I sighed and interrupted, " Don't. Don't say that. I'm fine today. It's a peaceful day right now. I just need a break sometimes, ya know? The games strain my eyes, and it's better for mental health."

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now