Do You Want To?

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** Sean's perspective **

Looking at their E/C eyes, I helped Y/N up. They grunted at the sudden move. Y/N brushed off their hands on their pants. They sighed loudly and swooped down to pick up the bags around them. I bent down and picked up one bag and a box.

" I'm sorry..." Y/N said, shaking their head.

" There is nothing for you to be sorry for! Gi's an arse. You need to know that," I replied, standing up straight.

Y/N looked at me and smiled an awkward smile. " Well, thanks," Y/N said, and started walking away.

I tucked the box under my arm and grabbed their forearm with my right hand. " No way in hell. You're coming over now," I declared.

They tried yanking from my grasp, but I didn't budge. I could tell that I was getting angry, and I didn't want a portal for Jack to come in and take control. That would be very bad.

I yanked Y/N politely and raised my eyebrows in suspicion. " Come on, I'll stop by the shop, and then we can talk, 'kay?"

They rolled their eyes and nodded. I tugged their arm again and we made our way to my apartment. I opened the door and placed their stuff on the leather couch. Y/N placed the bags on the counter, and then awkwardly gripped their arm with their hand. I moved my mouth to the side in curiosity and awkwardness. Y/N frowned at my body language.

" Well, it's a nice day. Let's walk to the shop, and then around seven, let's grab some dinner," I announced, not really giving them a choice.

They nodded awkwardly, and we went on our adventure. While walking through the shop, they told me what had happened with Gi. Usually, Y/N would have fought back or something, but they were just... stuck. Then I stepped in.

" And now I'm here," Y/N finished.

I nodded. " I see..."

" Okay, dude, this is 101 on dating someone. Ask them out," Jack taunted, seemingly whispering it in my ear.

Closing my eyes tightly in irritation, I tried to ignore him.

" So, you mentioned dinner?" Y/N asked.

" Yeah!" I chirped.

We went to a restaurant, ate, talked about what they liked, their dream jobs, the shows we watch, the games we play... It was really fun. During that time, I got a note from a kid. I had to take a picture of it as it was so sweet. 

While we were eating, Jack has burrowed somewhere. On occasion, he'd make my gut sucker punch itself, but I played it off. Eventually, Y/N and I were close to the end of dinner.

I looked at Y/N, breathed in, and said, " If you don't have a place to stay, you should stay over at my apartment."

They nearly choked on their food. Y/N looked up at me in shock and seriousness.

" Wait, what?" They asked, wiping their mouths with a napkin.

" Do you want to move in with me?" I asked clearly this time.

Everything was bubbly in me. My lungs and my stomach were floating and knotted at once. My brain was loopy. I really wanted them to say yes. I liked them a lot. I don't know what I would do if they said no. Where would they go?

Y/N was looking at me in shock. Like I had asked them to marry me.

" Like... move in move in?" Y/N wanted to clarify.

I quickly laughed and smiled at their question. " Yep. Move in, move in."

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now