Insanity... That's Caused By Being Bored

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** Y/N's perspective **

Typing lol is just having more air come out of your nose than usual, and most likely in a burst. That's what happened, when I saw Sean's photo, and read the caption. He took a selfie with a skeleton, and said Papyrus's saying, " Nyeh heh heh!"

A bunch of the comments on the picture said lol, and it brought up the thoughts that lol is most likely a burst of air out of their nostrils

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A bunch of the comments on the picture said lol, and it brought up the thoughts that lol is most likely a burst of air out of their nostrils.

I scrolled through my social media. Then, I was just bored. I wanted to talk with Sean, but my guts stopped me. It'd seem clingy. I mean, yes, I absolutely love him, but it's freaking jacksepticeye. One of the only sources that gives me so much joy. I met him, saw his apartment, he saw mine- and I'm rambling again.

The TV provided me with nothing entertaining, and I already watched a lot of shows on Netflix. I had nothing to do Internet-wise, besides YouTube, but I had already caught up on all of that. I started making myself food while I scrolled through Pinterest, but nothing was filling this void of absolute boredom. 

While munching on my snacks, I couldn't help but wonder why Sean would want to be my friend. My mind wandered to the land of What If? and I couldn't escape. Maybe, Sean was using me as pity. Or, maybe I could try to develop our relationship to a dating status. But that is nearly impossible. Maybe, he does just want to be friends. I'd be fine with that.

My phone buzzed. It knocked me right out of my thoughts and startled me. I saw that Gi was calling me, and I immediately answered.

" Hello?" I answered, holding my warm phone to my face.

" Hi, uh, is it alright if Franz moves in?" Gi asked shyly.

" Umm, what?" I asked, dropping my snack onto the floor. " Move in? Are you serious?"

" Yeah..." Gi replied.

" Well, since you asked nicely, no. You have been dating for what, three months? And now you want to have him move in?" I asked.

" I didn't know you'd freak out about it!" Gi defended

" What did you expect me to say?" I raised my voice in reply.

" Maybe is what I wanted to hear!" Gi suggested, her sharp voice reaching in through the phone.

" I'm sorry I'm not skipping around because He-Man wants to live with us!" I defended.

" I can't believe you!" Gi complained.

" You better, because I mean it Gi, no Franz." I reminded.

The phone hung up with three brings, and I was stuck in guilt and boredom. I leaned back in my chair, looked out the window, and reached for my snack. I could feel the long couple of days running slower than a hippo, and it wasn't going to be pretty when we met again. Stealth is key here.

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now