Jett Black, We Meet Again.

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** Y/N's perspective **

" Don't wear it out," Jett called out, with his smooth British accent flooding and sticking in my brain.

" How'd you get here?" I snarled, stepping closer to him. " How the fuck did you find me!?"

" Just breathe," Jett said, looking me up and down.  " I asked Gi."

" Why were you talking to her?!" I interrogated.

He swooped his arm around me, and firmly held on to the back of my head. He brought me to his lips. He . I tried to pull away, but still, he continued to kiss me passionately. He wrapped his other arm around my waist and clung to the other side of my hip bone. 

Before he could notice, I moved my leg back slightly. Then, I used all my weight to push my knee into his groin. He let go immediately as he fell to the floor in pain. 

" Y/N, why?" he groaned.

A set of knocks sent me away from the pig on my floor. I felt nauseous when I made my way to the door. I swung it open to see my favorite green-haired Irish person.

" Oh! Hey, Y/N! I was wondering if you wanted to play some games or something?" He asked, smiling.

" Totally!" I chirped, not wanting to see Jett again. " Let me get my phone."

" Who's there?" Jett pried. 

I froze instantly at his comment, my fists clenching. I tried to smile as if I didn't hear Jett, but Sean brushed past me and entered my apartment.

" Jesus," Sean replied sarcastically and smiling.

" Forgive me for my sins, bro." Jett joked seemingly less intimidating when he sounded like danisnotonfire.

I didn't want them to meet. In fact, everything could go so wrong in an instant. I needed to do something, but I couldn't. They were both very persistent.

" You are forgiven, my son," Sean commented as he looked around the apartment for Jett.

Jett went up behind him and startled him by slapping his back. Sean turned around slowly to meet the dark-haired devil. Jett's stormlike eyes met Sean's frosted ones.

" Jett's the name." Jett introduced, holding his hand out.

"Sean," Sean said, shaking it firmly.

" Very nice, uh, Sean," Jett repeated. " Now, why are you pounding up the place, huh?" Jett interrogated, walking towards the fridge.

" I-uh wanted to see if Y/N wanted to play some video games... If they're busy I understand..." Sean explained coyly.

" They're busy. Sorry." Jett said.

My heart stopped and my eyes went wide. " I am not busy! And I'm leaving. So are you, Jett."

" I see kisses don't heal scars, huh?" Jett asked.

My face flushed red with anger and embarrasment. Mortified, I grabbed Sean's hand and yanked him out of my apartment.

" Set up the game, alright?" I ordered when we stepped into the hallway.

" O-okay..." Sean stuttered, startled.

I stomped into my apartment and made my way over to the breathing heap of trash. He was still rummaging through the cabinets. Jett made the error to turn around, and I slapped him hard.

" Get out," I said quickly.

" Uh, ow!" Jett wined, holding a hand to his face. " My balls and now my face? What a warm welcome."

" Leave right now, before I hit you with the bat." I threatened.

" We should talk about this," he started.

I headed towards the bat, if not for damage then for insurance that he would leave my life again.

He held his hands up in defeat. " Okay, okay! I'm leaving!" Jett said, heading towards the door.

I watched him slip out of my sight and vanish entirely. Following behind him, I shut my door and looked in the hallways. 

Neither trace of either boy. 

Quickly, I walked to Sean's apartment. My mind was racing with the recent break-in. I needed a new lock and a new roommate.

I knocked on his door and waited while I caught my breath. I heard a shuffle of shoes coming towards me. I looked up and saw those blue eyes that I love. Sean was there. I smiled at him.

" Hey, what's up?" Sean asked me, letting me into his apartment.

" I'm exhausted. Jett is just an old, awful friend, that's all," I told honestly as I looked around.

" I would have come over earlier, trust me, but I've been binge recording for Pax. I'm leaving tomorrow, and I really didn't want to leave it on such a bad note." Sean explained.

We headed towards his console and turned it on. He had set up the sheet, and Shadow of the Colossus was already on. I couldn't help but smile at his childlike behavior. I swore at that moment, watching his beady eyes bounce around the screen, that I would protect him from any enemies: foreign or domestic. 

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now