What Are You Doing?!

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" Okay. You have to kiss them like, right now. This tension is killing me. You need to get some action, Sean," Jack demanded in my head while Y/N and I pulled away from our second hug.

Um, no. For so many reasons. I needed their consent. I needed a spine. This was really soon for both of us. What if Y/N wouldn't kiss me back? I knew now that Jett was out of the picture, but I was still so unsure. I didn't want to ruin the relationship between us. I was so nervous...

" Oh for fuck's sake. If you don't, I will. And if they like it, God knows where I will stop. Clear?" Jack threatened.

Breathing out slowly, I started leaning in. Quickly, I shut my eyes. I could feel myself sweating and sweating. Why was I so nervous? It was just a kiss... with Y/N. Why would I be so worried? I was anxious that they wouldn't kiss me back or that they don't want to think of me that way. Or was I worried that Jack would hurt her? 

I felt this pit in my stomach... what if I scare Y/N, and they'll run into Jett's arms, and I'll lose them... forever.

Jack sighed and snarked, " Just kiss them!"

Breathing in this time, I moved my neck and connected my lips with Y/N's. Fireworks exploded in my stomach. Of course, my face was red and on fire. My heart was pounding, and every bone in my body weakened. Y/N smiled into the kiss, and so did I.

" Finally!" Jack cheered. " I'm so proud!"

I rolled my eyes underneath my eyelids. I snaked my arm around, and softly pressed against the back of Y/N's head to get them closer to me.

" What are you doing?!?!" A high voice screeched.

Y/N and I broke from our kiss and looked over towards the doorway from which the scream came. Standing in the open doorway to our apartment, was Signe... and Jett.

" Well, I know no hurting people when Precious is around thirty inches, but call me when things get hairy. Peace," Jack said, and zoned out of my body and into the smallest corner of my brain.

It was two pissed-off exes, Jack ready to swing a punch, me, and Y/N. What the actual fuck.

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now