The Beginning of Chaos

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First off, I can't thank you enough. If you haven't seen yet, this story has now hit one thousand views. That means that through the entire story, each part has one thousand. That is so crazy. And I can't believe that a story I started not to long ago is now this far. With this story, I have got to talk with so many great people who care a lot about the story and love to interact and comment and vote. I also have made a great friend during this. It blows my mind. And you all are so amazing!

Please let me know your thoughts and feelings towards the story and anything I can do to change the story for your liking. It is still your story, and you are in it. So anything and everything is awesome! I love you all so so much, and I really love everything you do and have done for me.


** Y/N's perspective **

When our lips met, my stomach was light and airy. Dopamine and serotonin flooded my synapses. Now, I felt like I was drowning as a fifty-pound anchor was dragging me into the ocean. When he held me in his strong arms, I felt so safe. Now, I felt like a sitting duck in front of trophy hunters. 

" I am disappointed, Y/N," Jett called out with his accent making every word sting more.

" J-Jack..." Signe spat out sadly, stuttering in shock. " How... dare you."

" We're done Signe..." Sean said.

" No! We're not!" Signe shouted, entering the apartment and coming closer to us on the couch.

" Stay away from us, Signe," Sean threatened.

Jett stepped in and put a protective hand on Signe. " Hey, spineless. Stop lying to Y/N, stop cheating on your gal, let Y/N go, and uh, leave everyone else alone," Jett threatened.

" What?" I asked, directing it toward Sean and Jett.

Lying to me? Cheating? That sounds like bullshit.

" He's lying, Y/N," Sean growled.

" Y/N, please. Let me get back together with my teddy bear," Signe pleaded.

" Teddy bear?!" I asked, my voice cracking.

" It's a nickname that we have for each other," Signe explained.

Sean stayed silent. I almost slapped Sean then and there, and then almost slapped everyone else in the room. Did he seriously call me the same nickname that he and Signe called one another?! Or was that a lie too...?!

" Y/N, darling, pack your things. We are leaving," Jett said.

" I'm not going anywhere until I get the full story!" I demanded, looking around.

Signe put a hand on her hip and looked at Sean with hunger and lust. Jett looked bored out of his mind. Sean was holding his head in his hands; not making eye contact with anyone. I felt like my stomach was knotted. My head was pounding as my blood was aggressively pumping.

" He's dangerous, darling. Come on, we need to go," Jett ushered, stepping towards us.

" Stay away from us," Sean said, looking up at Jett.

For the second time, I thought I saw his eyes change color. But by the horrified looks on Jett and Signe's faces, they had seen it too.

" Y/N, I'm begging you, love," Jett pleaded urgently.

" Jack, hun-" Signe started.

Sean interrupted saying angrily, " My name is Sean."

Jett started, " It's the sa-"

" It's not the same..." Sean said, growling again.

I swallowed my saliva. My mouth felt tacky. I knew this wouldn't end with a peace treaty. Both Jett and Sean could go at each other. I didn't want to see Sean get hurt... But I didn't want Sean to nearly kill Jett...

" Okay. I'm done. Y/N get over here now," Jett demanded.

" I'm not leaving!" I shouted.

Looking up, Sean stared at me like I just asked him to marry me.

" Can't you let him be happy?!" Signe shouted at me.

" He is happy! I'm happy! You need to leave!" I shouted back.

Again, Sean put his head in his hands, wincing.

Suddenly, Jett stormed over and stuck out his hand. He viciously grabbed my arm and tried to yank me up. Sean stood up fast, grabbed Jett's arm, and pushed him hard. Jett stumbled backward, freeing me. Sean bent his neck down, staring through the British man.

" I said, don't get near us," Sean said, in a scary and threatening voice.

Jett looked at him in fury. The British man kept his colonizer pride and shoved the Irish man back. Sean, who was unable to keep steady, collapsed on the couch and hit his head hard on the wall.

" Y/N. Now," Jett ordered.

" Oh, Jacky!" Signe cried out as she rushed towards Sean.

" What the hell is wrong with both of you? I'm going to call the police and they'll take you out!" I shouted.

Instantaneously, Sean keeled over. He wrapped a hand around his stomach and waist, grasping the cloth covering his torso tightly. His knuckles were white. He grunted in pain through his teeth, eyes closed tightly.

" Sean?" I asked in worry.

" Leave," Sean said in a dark voice. " Go to the basement, Y/N. Please."

I blinked. He just made an entire lecture about me staying here. He looked ill and sounded like a monster. It sent a biological chill down my nervous system

" Don't you move, Y/N. You're gonna miss the show. This is the monster that is Sean or Jack," Jett declared.

I looked at Sean. He looked up at me, and there it was again. His eyes were black. I winced and broke eye contact. This wasn't him. This was some sick fucking monster. Something he has hidden from me for a long time.

" Please," Sean begged, groaning again.

Not wanting to stay around any longer, I dashed down the stairs and shut the door behind me. I locked it and slid down the wooden door. My throat was begging for me to scream. My eyes threatened me with tears. My hands wanted to hit or shatter something: anything. I wanted to throw up and pretend this was a weird dream. I wanted to wake up and feel Sean's soft lips on my neck. I wanted his hands to gently rub my skin and pull me closer to him. 

I want him to be human.

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now