No Need to Think

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Cassie woke up to the sun light streaming on her face. When she opened her eyes and got a look at where she was at, she was momentarily confused. When she remembered that she was in Ben's guest bedroom, she smiled into the pillow and sighed. 

Last night was probably the best sleep she's ever had. There was no waking up to clanking pans or shouts as to why there wasn't any milk. It was a perfectly quiet morning. Not to mention, the fact that she told everything to Ben had got her to sleep better somehow. Just the thought that she wasn't holding anymore secrets from him was easing her mind. 

After a few minutes, she deiced to get up and leave before she intruded on Ben anymore. He had given her one of his shirts to sleep in and it could almost be pulled off as a night gown. Before she thought about getting dressed, she had to use the bathroom. When she walked out of the bedroom, she was hit with the smell of bacon. 

Curious, she tip toed out until she reached the kitchen and saw Ben standing over a pan with eggs and bacon cooking in it. He was in his pajamas as well, which made everything that much sexier. Cassie was about to go back into the room to look more presentable, but when he turned to grab a plate, he saw her. 

She watched as his eyes looked her over in nothing but his shirt. His eyes wandered at her legs for a few minutes, before looking back up to her eyes. "Well hello there, sexy," he winked. Cassie's knees literally shook from the wink. 

"Morning," she shyly greeted. Ben started plating their breakfast when he said, "Take a seat, this'll be ready in a moment." She waved him off and said, "Oh, no, it's fine. I just thought I'd go to the coffee shop or something."

He looked at her like she was crazy. "Now, why would you do that when I'm cooking you a perfectly edible and free meal here? Sit down, you silly girl," he chuckled. She was about give up and sit down, but then she looked down at herself and her choice of clothing. 

"Change afterwards," Ben told her. "I like seeing you in my shirts." Blushing, she made her way to the table and sat down. He brought over their plates and put hers in front of her before sitting down. "Thank you, Ben," she told him, "this looks lovely."

He gave her a warm smile and said, "Thank you, darling. So what's on your agenda today?" Taking a bite of her eggs, she told him, "Going home to assure my mother I'm still alive. Because if I died or fell off the wagon again, it'll be her that's in trouble, so she tends to worry when I don't come home."

She stuffed a piece of bacon in her mouth and angrily ate it. "That can't be the only reason why she worries," he told her. "I'm sure she's thinking about you just as much as herself." She actually laughed at that. "Yeah," she said, "I wish. Anyways, I'll go do that, then get my papers that I need to grade and go to the coffee shop I guess. What about you?"

Ben straightened up a bit and cleared his throat. "Well," he said, "I actually have a sort of gala to go to tonight for my work. We just launched our newest computer and they're throwing a party for that, as well as my promotion." 

Cassie's eyebrows shot up. "Wow," she said, "that's amazing! This promotion is already paying off, huh?" He let out a nervous laugh and nodded. She continued, "Game of Thrones is on tonight, so I'll be watching that. I think this will be a good season."

She continued to eat, while Ben nervously fiddled with his fork. "Um...Cass?" He asked. She looked up at him and saw him practically shaking. He took a deep breath, then said, "I was actually wondering if you might go with me. It's not as extravagant as it sounds and I know you have your grading and TV show, but it would mean a lot for you to be there with me."

What? Cassie thought to herself. Me? At a gala? With his co-workers and bosses and women that would probably dress a hundred times better than me? I don't even think I own a dress that's not from my senior year of high school!

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