Merry Christmas

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"You've got Kerry's present, right?" Ben called from the bathroom. "Yes, dear," Cassie called. "What kind of Godmother would I be if I didn't?" Ben came out of the bathroom in his suit and said, "I know, I know I just want to be sure. Are you ready?"

She finished putting her earrings on, then said, "Yep." He went up to her and looked at the dress she was wearing. "This the one I got you in Paris?" She nodded as she looked down at herself. "It's beautiful on you," he continued, before kissing her on the cheek.

He took her hand to lead her out of the room, but then looked like he suddenly remembered something and said, "Oh!" He quickly went over to his nightstand and opened the drawer. When he went back over to her, he handed her a neatly wrapped box.

"Merry Christmas, darling." She excitedly took the box and ripped open the wrapping. She opened the white box and gasped, "Oh...oh, wow." She reached in and pulled out a vibrator. Underneath the vibrator were fluffy handcuffs, soft rope and lube.

She was a little surprised because she thought he had forgot about their discussion. Obviously not.

"I have one more gift for you, but you can open it when we get home," he told her. "If you're up to it, we can play with these tonight." He gave her a wink and she practically dropped her gifts. She quickly put the items back in the box as she told him, "God, yes."

He chuckled, then took the box from her and set it on the bed. "Come on, before we're late." He took her hand and led her out of the apartment. They started driving to Anna's grandparent's house for Christmas Eve dinner.

"Feeling alright, love?" Ben asked as they walked up to the door. Cassie had her hand over her stomach. She's been feeling queasy for a few days now. "Does your stomach hurt? you think--."

Cassie put her hand over his mouth and said, "I already took a pregnancy test. It was negative." He whined in her hand, then she pulled it away. "Why was it so easy when we weren't even trying?" He asked as he knocked on the door.

She shrugged and said, "Maybe because we weren't trying." The door opened to Anna's grandmother, who welcomed the couple inside and gave them each a big hug. "Everyone is in the living room," she told them.

They walked into the living room where everyone was mingling. Anna's grandparents went all out for this party. There were hired serving staff and a full buffet and bar. "Wow," Ben chuckled as he helped Cassie take off her coat. "Anna said they were going to make Kerry's first Christmas special," Cassie said as he hung up their coats.

Ben took her hand and they walked into the chattering crowd. One of the serving members came over with a tray of champagne, but Ben waved them away. "Ben, you can drink," Cassie gently told him. He shook his head, then told her, "No. I made you a promise that I would quit drinking to help you."

He placed a kiss on her cheek, then her head and chuckled when he saw her blush. "Hey, lovebirds," Anna said as she walked up to them with Kerry in her arms. "Hey," Cassie said with a smile, but then turned to Kerry and cooed, "and hello to you, little miss. Merry first Christmas."

Anna handed Kerry to her and Ben adoringly watched as Cassie held and bounced her. "She loves her aunt Cass," Anna said with a smile. Kerry was smiling and giggling as Cassie tickled her stomach and peppered her face with kisses.

"Alright, it's Uncle Ben's turn," Ben said as he gently took Kerry. "Hello there, darling, how are you this evening?" Kerry's answer was giggling and putting her head on his shoulder. He was her favorite person, besides her mom and dad.

Cassie suspects it's because of his voice.

When Kerry started crying, Ben handed her back to Anna so she could go feed her. "God, I want one," Ben sighed. Cassie leaned her head on his shoulder and said, "Me, too." He wrapped his arm around her and walked them both to the buffet.

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