The Big Day

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"You're okay, you're okay, you're...oh, God." Cassie threw up in the toilet for, what seemed like, the thousandth time today. Morning sickness was back and it was back with a vengeance. Of course, it had to be on today of all days. The big day. 

Her wedding day. 

She was nervous enough as it is, but to add this into the mix was borderline torture. The worst part was having almost every woman in the bathroom with her. They were trying to stop the vomit from getting on the beautiful white dress that was probably already dirty from her being on the floor. 

"Maybe we should push the wedding to a little later," Anna said as she held Cassie's hair. "It's clearly not going to be happening in twenty minutes if this keeps up." Wanda, who was keeping a cool cloth on Cassie's neck, said, "I'll go let Ben know."

Cassie went to protest, but the vomit stopped her. 

Ben was already waiting at the altar, bouncing on his feet in nervousness. The crowd was sitting and mingling, over a hundred voices were echoing around the church. As soon as Ben saw his mother walking quickly towards him down the aisle, his heart sank to his stomach.

Oh, God, he thought, she's changed her mind. She ran. It's what she does when she's nervous. Maybe she had a drink? A glass of wine or champagne? Fucking hell!

"Ben, dear, we're going to have to push the wedding back a few minutes," she whispered. Ben thought he was going to puke. "Why?" He urgently asked. "Is she having second thoughts?" She shook her head and told him, "No, nothing like that." He felt a wave of relief cash against his body. 

Wanda continued, "She's very sick. Poor thing can't get her head out of the toilet for more than a few seconds." Now, he was worried for a whole different reason. "What?" He asked. "Well, I'll go in there and take care of her until she's ready." He started to go, but she stopped him and said, "She doesn't want you to see her yet."

He scoffed, "Damn that! She's sick and she needs me, so I am going to be there!" He pushed past his mother and started walking quickly down the aisle. Every head turned, thinking maybe the bride had run off. Wanda assured everyone that wasn't the case. 

Ben jogged to where the women were getting ready and quickly knocked before entering. "She's in there, Ben," Anna told him. He went into the bathroom and saw his girl hunched over the toiler. She wasn't in her dress anymore, though. The girls got her to take it off before it could get anymore dirty. So, she was just in her under gown. 

"Oh, honey," Ben cooed. He got down next to her and took another girl's place of holding Cassie's hair. "I'm sorry," she cried into the toilet. He kissed her head and told her, "Don't worry about it, it's not your fault. Just let it all out."

After a few more minutes of spilling her guts out, it all seemed to stop. "Alright," Ben sighed in relief, "see, not so bad." She glared at him, making him say, "I was joking, darling. Are you okay, though? If you want to postpone the wedding until after the baby is born, we can do that." 

She immediately shook her head and told him, "No. I refuse to let the royals beat our wedding." He chuckled, then kissed her head. "That's my girl. Take your time getting ready and I'll be waiting for you out there. I love you."

He placed a long kiss to her forehead, then helped her to the sink before leaving. The girls got her to put back on her dress, then re-did her make-up after she excessively brushed her teeth. In just twenty minutes, she was ready to go. 


"I am so happy for you, Cass," Anna said. "This is everything you deserve." Cassie pointed at her and said, "Don't or else I'm going to have to do my make-up again." Both girls laughed, then hugged as if their lives depended on it. "I love you, girlie," Anna said. Cassie smiled as she told her, "I love you, too."

Anna wiped away at her tears, then said, "Let's get you married to that man of your's." 

Ben tensed up a bit as the wedding music started to play. He got a huge pat on the back from his best man Tom, then turned to where Cassie would be coming from. He watched the end of the aisle as the music seemed to go on longer and longer. 

Finally, he saw the bride maids start to walk down the aisle one at a time. Unfortunately, Cassie didn't really know her brides maids except for Anna. The rest were Ben's colleague's wives, but she needed a full party. Nevertheless, they were nice ladies. 

When it was Cassie who came out...Ben's entire world stopped. She was the most beautiful he has ever seen. Tears swelled in his eyes and his chest puffed up in pride as his groomsmen were telling him how lucky he was. He let a few tears roll down his cheeks as she smiled at him. 

She insisted on walking herself down the aisle, saying she would like to think her father was there with her. In a way he was, though, because his picture was set up near the groomsmen. That was Ben's idea and Cassie thought it was the best idea he could ever come up with. 

When she got up to the steps, Ben held out his hand and helped her the rest of the way up. When she stood in front of him, his eyes raked all over her body. "You are so beautiful," he told her in complete awe. "Holy shit, look at you."

The priest next to them cleared his throat and raised an eyebrow. Ben muttered an apology as Cassie giggled. "Ladies and gentlemen," the priest announced, "we are here to celebrate the love and marriage of Cassandra Dawn Hansen and Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch."

As much as Cassie and Ben didn't care for the religious involvement, but seeing as they were in a church, they had to endure it. Ben kept making silly faces at Cassie, trying to make her laugh. He almost succeeded, but she kept herself calm and cool. 

When it came time to give the rings and say their vows, they couldn't be more jittery and excited. They were holding each other's hands so tight that they were nearly turning white. "By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Ben took the back of Cassie's head and brought her in for a kiss.

She laughed at his eagerness and put her hands on his jaw. When they pulled away, the biggest smiles were on their faces. He laced their fingers together and turned towards the cheering crowd. Ben walked them back down the aisle and towards the doors. 

Once they got outside, Ben lifted Cassie up and spun her around. She squealed and laughed before he gently put her down. "Hello, Mrs. Cumberbatch," he said as he cupped her jaw and nudged their noses together. "Hello, Mr. Cumberbatch," she replied; a wide smile on her face.

He kissed her again as he ran his hand down her stomach. "One big day down," he said, "one more to go."

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