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This was the hardest last day of school Cassie has ever been a part of. Normally, she would be mixed with sadness for letting the kids go, but then excitement for the new set coming in next year. Well, there wasn't going to be a next year, not at this school, at least. 

Her and Ben leave for London in two days. Anna's parents wanted to throw them a going away party, but Cassie didn't want to make a fuss. Instead, they all went out to dinner last night and shared their goodbyes as they left the restaurant. 

Tonight, Anna and Cassie were going to have one last sleepover. It was going to be emotional, but fun nonetheless. Roger and Ben made plans to go out so the girls could have time to themselves. 

"Alright, love, I'm off," Ben called as he walked over to her. He placed a kiss on her lips, then her head. "I stocked up on some ginger tea and biscuits for you if you need them." He then ran his hand over her small four month along bump and said, "Daddy loves you, baby." 

He gave her stomach a small kiss as Anna said, "You get to spend the rest of your life with her London, so go away!" Ben chuckled and kissed her head as well. "Bye, girls, have fun!" As he walked out the door, Cassie called, "Love you, babe!"

Once he was gone, Anna slumped back against the couch. "That man is such a dreamboat," she sighed. Cassie giggled as she told her, "I know! Why do you think I'm marrying him and having his baby?" Anna looked to her stomach and said, "That's going to be one good looking kid. Are you feeling okay?"

Cassie nodded and told her, "Yeah. I'm being extra cautious, resting if I'm not working. Ben's going to have me on bed rest until the birth, I just know it." Anna chuckled, "He's just worried. Can you blame him?" Cassie smirked. "No," she said. "Anyways, are we going to get this started or what?"

By the time Ben got home, it was nearly midnight. Thinking the girls would be asleep, he quietly opened the door. When he stepped inside, he could hear them giggling up a storm in the living room. He smiled, then went in to greet them. 

"Hey, you," Cassie smiled when she saw him. "Hey, baby," he said. "I'll leave you two be, I just wanted to let you know I was here." He was about to walk away, but she reached for him and said, "Actually, can you please get me some tea?"

He took her hand and kissed it. "As you wish, my darling," he told her. "Anne, can I get you anything?" She thought for a moment, then said, "A one-way ticket to London with my best friend?" He thought for a moment, then asked, "How about some water?"

She dramatically sighed, "I suppose so." He went into the kitchen and got the girls their drinks, plus some chocolate chip cookies for Anna and ginger cookies for Cassie. He popped a couple chocolate chip cookies in his mouth, then brought out the snacks. 

"Oh, Ben, you're a doll," Anna said. Cassie pouted at her cookies and said, "No chocolate for me?" Ben took the cookie that was hanging between his teeth, then gave it to her. "Thank you," she smiled. "Are you going to bed?"

He shook his head and told her, "Nah, I've got a little more packing to do. I'll come down and say goodnight." He climbed the stairs two at a time and Cassie and Anna went back to their giggling. 

"So, do you think it's a boy or a girl?" Anna asked. Cassie put her hand on her stomach and hummed. "A boy," she said. "Ben thinks it's a girl, but I know my baby." Anna nodded and said, "Roger thought Kerry would be a boy, but I knew she was going to be my baby girl."

Once the time got to nearly three in the morning, the girls started to drift off. Ben came down to check on them after he finished his packing and smiled at the sight. He took a couple of blankets and put them over the girls before cleaning up after them. 

He hardly got a wink of sleep after that because he was woken up by the sounds of Cassie throwing up in the ensuite. It was six in the morning, so he really didn't get any sleep. "Honey," he groggily called as he stumbled into the bathroom, "you alright?"

Cassie was slumped over the toilet and making some almost inhumane puking sounds. Ben pushed her short hair from her face and listened to her let it all out. When she was done, he led her to the sink to clean up. "Is Anna still downstairs?" He asked. 

After spitting out the toothpaste, she said, "No. She left a few minutes before this." He nodded and said, "Okay, well, you've got nothing to do today, so get in bed and relax. I've got some work to do, but I'll be right down in the office."

He helped her get into bed and get comfy. He turned on the T.V. and put it to her favorite show called 'The Golden Girls'. She smiled and was immediately enamored with it. After bringing her some tea and ginger cookies, he got to work. 

He was on the phone for several hours with the company he was going to be co-running by next week. "How do I want my office decorated?" He asked. "Oh, wow, I hadn't...hadn't thought about that. Um...what's in there right now?" He was shocked by how big his office sounded!

"All of it can stay," he told them. "As long as I have room on my desk for pictures of my family, then that's all I'll need. I can't wait to meet you all next week." He said his goodbyes, then went up to check on Cassie. 

She was fast asleep with her show still playing. He shut off the T.V. and sat down next to her legs. He put his head next to her stomach and breathed a kiss to it. "You let mummy sleep," he whispered, "she needs it."

He gave her stomach one more kiss before climbing into bed with her for a much needed nap of his own. 

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