All Work, No Play

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Ben sighed as rubbed at his aching head. If he knew being making partner at the firm would be this much stress, he probably wouldn't have taken it. He hasn't spent much time with Cassie, not since their anniversary last month, and he hasn't seen much of his daughter. By the time he's been coming home, she's been asleep and he's up and out the door before she or Cassie wakes up in the mornings. 

"Tea, boss?" His, supposed to be temp, receptionist offered. She was supposed to be a temp, but  got offered the permanent position when his other receptionist handed in her resignation. Unfortunately, he didn't have a say on wether or not this girl could have the job. 

Nevertheless, he smiled at her and said, "Yes, thank you." She walked out, then came back a few minutes later. "You're working too hard nowadays," she told him as she poured a bit of cream and sugar into the cup. "Your wife must miss you."

He glanced up at her and noticed she was avoiding eye contact with him. "Yes, I imagine she does," he agreed. "Thank you, Carmen, that'll be all." She nodded, then left him to be alone once again. Sighing, he leaned back in his chair and picked up his phone. He needed a break and he knew the perfect way to spend it. 

"Is this the infamous Benedict Cumberbatch?" The line answered. He smiled and felt relief at hearing his wife's voice. "It certainly is," he answered with a light laugh. "How are you, love? I feel like I haven't seen you in an age." He heard her sigh, then say, "I'm fine. I took Ellie out to do some shopping and get some lunch. You should see the clothes I got her! Oh, they are so cute, Ben, you're going to love it!"

He smiled at the thought of his little girl and told her, "I can't wait. Look, it's going to be another late one tonight. I'm sorry, baby, I didn't realize how much this all would be." He closed his eyes and rested his head in his hand. "Ben, it's okay," she assured. "It's that time of the year where you and every other successful computing company is coming out with new stuff. We saw this coming, at least I did."

"I don't deserve you," he told her. "I love you, baby, and I promise once things slow down, I'll take a few days off to spend with my favorite girls. I miss you two terribly." She cooed, "Awe, babe, we miss you, too. You should get back to work, though, okay? That way you can come home sooner."

Nodding, he said, "Yeah. Yeah, alright. Hopefully I'll see you in a bit. I love you and give Ellie a big kiss from me." She did him one better and put her on the phone. He cooed at his baby for a few minutes, but then had to hang up because more paperwork came his way. 

It was three in the morning when he finished with everything. He had to get up in three hours to come back to more of it and stay here until, possibly, the same time. He was truly not enjoying this, nor enjoying the thought of it. For a moment, he thought he should call out and use some sick time, but nobody will help him get through any of the workload while he's gone. There'll just be more when he comes back. 

So, he trudged into the house just past three, went into Ellie's room to kiss her head, then into the bedroom where he stripped down and snuggled up to Cassie. She unconsciously wrapped her arms around him, making him feel so comfortable and at home. He didn't want to leave her arms for anything. 

When his alarm went off at exactly six, he had to leave her comfort and warmth. Standing in the shower, he didn't have the strength to do anything. He was so physically and mentally exhausted, all he did was lean against the wall and close his eyes. 

"Ben?" He jolted upright and shook himself out of his sleepy state. "Yeah?" He hoarsely answered. Cassie peaked her head into the shower and looked worried. "Babe, you okay? You've been in here for almost an hour. I'm surprised the water isn't cold."

He grunted and smacked his hand to his face. "Fucking hell, I'm late," he grumbled. He went to turn off the shower, but he turned so quickly that he lost his balance and fell, smacking his head on the edge of the tub! "Ben! Oh my God!" Cassie turned off the water that was aggressively spraying on his face and looked him over. 

"Ben," she called, shaking him. "Benedict, wake up!" He wasn't moving. Thinking quickly, she grabbed his towel and put it over his naked body before he could get cold. He wasn't bleeding from anywhere, thank God, but she still didn't hesitate to call an ambulance. 

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