The Real Question

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The party was over in a little over five hours, which seemed like a long time, but with all the dancing and talking, it seemed to go by in a flash. Ben never left Cassie's side, unless she got pulled off by the women to have some girl talk (and by the looks she was giving him, she hated it).

Once the night was over, they strolled out hand-in-hand to his car. He opened the passenger side door for her, but before she could get in, he pulled her in for a kiss. "Thank you for coming with me," he said against her lips.

She just gave him a small smile and said, "You're welcome," before getting into the car and shutting the door, leaving Ben in mild shock. He momentarily questioned if he had said something wrong, but figured she was just tired. It was a long night, after all.

When they were just starting their drive, he started to think she was more than just tired. Truth was, she's been bothered all night about the whole "date" thing. All night he's been introducing her as that and he even got asked at one point if they were together.

All he could do was stutter in nervousness, then quickly change the subject. Did he not want that with her? Was he just leading her into thinking this could be more, when really he's just going to shut her down? She really didn't want to think about any of this right now. She wished she could just not care.

"Darling?" Ben asked as he set his hand on her knee. "You alright?" She simply gave him a nod. He sighed, then retreated his hand. He knew something was up, but wasn't sure what. If he was being honest, it was kind off pissing him off.

They had a great night, she met all of his friends, they laughed and danced...what more could there be? I introduced her to everyone, he thought to himself, I never left her out of a conversation, I refused every bleeding alcoholic drink I was offered. Did I say something? Do something? We've been at it for almost two months, so I think I should be able to pin-point my date's...oh fuck.

It suddenly dawned on him. He was introducing her as his date all night. He's been thinking a lot about starting a committed relationship with her. As a matter of fact, he wanted to ask her tonight. When one of his co-workers asked if they were together, he got nervous and changed the subject because he didn't want to give anything away. At least he's solved the mystery now.

"Why don't we go back to my place and have some coffee," he suggested. She sighed and told him, "No, I'm getting a little tired. I'd like to go home." He pursed his lips in thought. There had to be some way he could get you back to his place.

He tapped on the steering wheel for a moment, then said, "I bought some cherry grenadine and coke, so I can whip us up a couple Roy Rogers?" This time he didn't get an answer. He sighed and kept driving, but not to the direction of her house.

"Ben?" She asked. "What are you doing?" Being daring, he didn't answer her and pulled up to his apartment just a few moments later. He parked the car, got out, then went over to her side and opened the door.

"One coffee," he said. She huffed and looked down at his extended hand. After a moment, she slowly put her hand in his and he helped her out of the car. "You never give up, do you?" She asked. He put his arm around her shoulder and chuckled, "Nope."

He greeted his doorman, then led Cassie to the elevator. He pressed the floor and they stood there silently, the only noise being the hum of the elevator. Ben glanced over to her and saw her standing in the corner with her head down.

Sighing, he moved over to her and took her hand. "Cass," he whispered. She looked up at him and was greeted with a soft smile. She watched as he looked her over from head to toe, his smile only growing wider.

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