Exam results and a New Friend

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I managed to survive till lunch that day, and much further to be exact because it was now a week after the girls had arrived. Not much had happened to be honest, except for the fact that I was now currently staring wide-eyed at the results in front of my face.

“You’re joking right?” I laughed nervously.

“Have I ever joked?” he asked.

“You are now, aren’t you?” I asked, almost pleaded.

“Not at all,” he grinned evilly.

I whimpered loudly, slumping down in my chair. I couldn’t believe it. Just that one simple word. How could I have misspelled it? Adonidia maturbongsii. Who couldn’t spell it? I missed the first ‘I’ and swapped it with an ‘e’ for no valid reason. And that reason just ended up with me becoming my Biology teacher’s slave for the rest of the year.

Just to clear everything up, I took the exam the previous Friday and I had just received my results. 99.99%. I didn’t even realise that was possible, but apparently it is if you misplace one letter in a whole word. I couldn’t believe it. My life had just gone from great to so low I was close to china.

“I can’t believe this,” I whispered to myself, tears brimming my eyes causing the bright red percentage to blur. “I can not believe this. My mother is going to kill me,”

“Calm down Jesse, it’s just an exam,” Jeremiah said, patting my shoulder.

“Just an exam?!” I squeaked. “I’VE BECOME OUR TEACHER’S SLAVE!”

“Okay, that is pretty bad, but it could be worse!” he tried to reassure me.

“How can it be worse than this?!” I shrieked.

“Greetings everyone, my name is Danielle and I’m your newest student!”

No joke, but the entire class’ heads swiveled towards the door where a girl stood, a large beam across her face. Her brown hair was tied back, her semi-long fringe outlining the sides of her face. Her sky-blue eyes shone with excitement as she took everyone in.

I blinked about fifty times before I finally said something to break the silence.

“I’m sorry, what?” I choked.

“I’m the new student!” she smiled, seemingly unfazed.

“S-since when?” I flustered.

“Since,” she paused, looked at her watch and looked back up. “5 minutes ago!”

I almost feinted.

“I didn’t hear anything about this,” I said to her.

“It was a sudden thing… I woke up this morning already in a car driving here. I think my parents just wanted me out of the house. I don’t really know why, I mean, I’m not that loud am I? No, exactly, so I don’t see their problem,” she puffed out in one big breath.

“Ah,” I said, blinking several times to take everything in. “Okay, hang on, so did the school even know you were coming?”

“Not until I arrived. I’m still technically not a proper student yet but the principle didn’t want me in her office and couldn’t leave to show me where the dorms were… so she said I should go find my dorm leader who I don’t think is in here because you all look my age…”

“I’m your dorm leader Danielle,” I sighed, running a hand through my hair. “I was the first female student here, so I was asked to be the leader,”

Her jaw dropped down into a perfect ‘O’ as she stared at me, her silver-blue eyes lighting up with recognition.

“Jesse Patchent right?!” she squeaked.

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