Descent into Hell

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As the term slowly progressed towards its end, the doom of exams became very real and prominent. Sitting in the library one afternoon, staring absent minded at my English textbook, I started to wonder if I was actually going to survive this term.

"I have so much stuff to do," I sighed wearily to myself.

Not only do I have to worry about exams, but I still have so much stuff to deal with. Mr Slaughter is really pushing me to my physical limits in PE lately because he's positive I'll be getting scouted next term. Biology isn't even a class for me anymore because all I do is run errands or mark other people's assessments. Not to mention the Kalem and Blake situation I'm trying to sort out in my head. And then there's these guys...

Glancing up towards the corner of the room, I saw Heinrich reading Macbeth in silence, seemingly utterly absorbed, though I was fully away he could see every small movement in the room. Slowly, I glanced in the other direction and glared into the camera lens.

"Hansel, what are you still doing here?" I murmured quietly.

"Simply one day wasn't enough to capture your schooling life," he said, nodding as though this made it alright to follow me around continuously.

"If I fail my exams, I'm blaming you," I growled.

"Pushes blame onto innocent bystanders," Lorieen muttered to herself, scribbling words down onto her new notepad.

"I thought that maybe I could study in peace here," I sighed, "Obviously I was wrong,"

Taking out my phone, I quickly sent a simple message to a few people, then put my phone away. With a sigh, I stretched my arms over my head and tried to read over my textbook again. Eventually, I heard the sliding doors to the library open, and a small trample of feet. Looking back up I grinned victoriously as I saw half of my English class surround Heinrich with their textbooks in hand.

Quickly, I packed up my books and pens and threw them into my bag and stood up. Glancing to my other side I quickly began to leave the library as Hansel was distracted with packing his camera bag up. Before he could stand, I was outside the library and sprinting towards the one place they never would try to look for me.

The Dorm leader's meeting room.

It took me a good few minutes to get there, but once I was safely inside I let out a giant sigh and headed towards my usual seat at the long table.

"No one will think to look for me here," I grinned, happy with myself. "Everyone knows I hate this place, so they'd assume I'd never come here outside meetings,"

"That's a very smart idea indeed," came a familiar voice that scared the heck out of me.

"Hell, Harrison," I gasped, clasping my hand to my chest. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"This is usually my place to escape to as well," he shrugged. "Regardless, it's been a while. I hear lots of rumours about you,"

"Who doesn't," I rolled my eyes, taking my seat. "What have you been hearing?"

"Lots of things actually," he said worriedly. "I've heard some normal ones like you've recently gone on a date, and that you'll be scouted next term,"

"Those are true," I nodded. "But what about the... abnormal ones?"

"Some people are saying that the new English teacher is stalking you, and another is saying that you're being followed by a pornography photographer? Oh, and someone said you were doing dirty work for another teacher so they didn't tell the school that you were doing something illegal..."

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