Chapter three

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(picture of Kathryn's, Luna's and Becky Mae's hair)

The morning came faster than I expected it to, the sunrays getting through the small cracks of the curtain. Grabbing my phone I squint at the brightness but soon get used to it. It's 9:10am and the training starts at 10:30am meaning I had an hour and twenty minutes until we had to be in the training arena.

Throwing the covers off my body, I walk to my bathroom to get a shower. I only wash my body because I had washed my hair the night before.

After I dry my body and begin to get dressed in the clothes assigned, I had a dirty pig t-shirt and some high waisted ripped shorts, I tucked in the top and put on the black vans that was also assigned.

When I was fully dressed I begin messing with my hair, I just straighten it and put it up in a high ponytail.

Then I walked out of my bedroom and into the main living area, "Morning Olive" Clara speaks, happily.

"Morning is everyone else up?" she nods her head

"They are in the kitchen eating their breakfast"

"Thanks Clara" she just smiles back at me, I turn around and walk towards the kitchen, and as she said, the others were sat down eating. "Morning" I say to them as I put the kettle on and put some bread in the toaster.

"Morning" Blaire says, before looking at her phone. "We have half an hour until we need to be in the training arena." Everyone just nods their heads and carry on eating and talking again.

When the kettle is boiled, I made a cup of tea and when my toast popped up I buttered it before sitting down and eating and drinking.

Time passed and we had ten minutes until we had to be in the training arena. We finished our breakfast and our drinks before we all rushed into the elevator and ran to the training arena. But before we walked in Clara begins to speak. "Look it says something on the door."

It read:

A few rules

1.    No biting, no scratching, no hair pulling etc

2.     And no posting any photos on to any social media. We know all your usernames girls.

"Well that's creepy," Ivy says, "Now that we have read that can we go into the training arena" she pushes the doors open and the five of us walk in together.

The full room is filled with girls; all dressed similar to what I am wearing. We walked to where the girls were crowding around to see a woman, dressed in similar clothes to what Steffie wears.

"Right then now we have all the districts here I will say what's going to happen today" the woman speaks.

"If you look around you will see different stations. And you can go to any of them, in any order. However, I would advise to try to go to them all, don't just stay in one. If any questions don't hesitate to ask the men and women who is at each station, they will teach you what to do if you don't already, and if you all look on the back of your t-shirt you will see your name, district and who you are competing for in the games."

"Now lets the game begin!" she shouts, everyone runs to different stations, I just look round at them seeing which one to go first.

There were five different stations:

Making GIFs

How to write a fanfiction


Karaoke booth

And the last one was fan art

But there was also a long table with different types of foods, there was Spaghetti Bolognaise, Waraek enab, tacos and Lasagne plus lots of fast food like pizza and McDonalds.

I walked over to one of the stations, which was the making GIFs. I took a seat next to a girl who was on a laptop. "Hi my name is Olive, what's yours?" I ask, the girl looks at me and smiles.

"My name is Kathryn. Who are you competing for?" Kathryn had ombré hair, deep blue to pastel pink, gorgeous.  

"Luke, you?"


"Olive, this is my friend Georgia, she is competing for Daniel"

"Hi, nice to meet you Georgia" I say smiling to the blonde haired girl.

"Yeah same" she smiled, the three of us talked until I finished the GIF of Luke.

We said our goodbyes before we split up to go to other stations.

The next one I went to was the karaoke booth, where you would pick a song and then, sing it. Just as every karaoke booths work.

I watch as people have their turn, singing all the Janoskians songs as well as the songs that they have done videos.

Lining up behind a girl with the name Vasia Jørgenssen and district A2 written on the back of her t-shirt. She turns round and sees me, she smiles and I smile back. "My name is Vasia, what's your name?" she asks


"Nice to meet you Olive, what song are you going to sing?" she asks pointing to the list of songs on the wall in front of us.

"Don't know yet, maybe moodswings or LA girl."

"Well I'm singing LA girl, what about we do it together?" she says smiling again, I nod my head. At least I won't be doing it alone.

Vasia has soft green hair and brown eyes, the colour works well but I don't think it would suit me; I like my new ombré hair. "Vaisa who are you competing for?"

"James, I found out that everyone who is competing for James has a dark blue dirty pig, the girls competing for Luke has light blue dirty pig, like yours. Beau has light red, Jai has grey and Daniel has dark blood red," she says pointing to the pig on peoples top.

"Oh I didn't realise until you said"

"Now you don't need to ask" I laugh at this then look behind her seeing that we were next.

"We are up next"

The two of us sing LA girl and had a laugh, even though I can't sing very well I didn't care what others thought I just had fun with my new friend Vaisa.

I then go to the lyric station where we read the lyrics from the songs, I had picked teenage desperate so that I could check I knew all the lyrics being that it has been out a few months.

Few hours passed and I had been to all the stations, I even had a break and went to the table with all the food and ate some pizza and garlic bread. I had met a few more girls in each station; I met a girl called Martina Arianna who is competing for Beau and a girl named Becky Mae Jones who is competing for Daniel. Martina has long red hair and bright green eyes and Becky has long ginger hair and green-y blue-y eyes.  Luna was also a girl who I met, she had dark brown to blonde ombré wavy hair and light brown eyes and she was competing for Jai. All the girls I had met are pretty, and every girl who is competing for Luke seam to be pretty. Everyone in this year games are pretty and then there is me. I just laugh at the though.

Hailey, Clara, Blaire Ivy and I go back up to our floor where we eat then go and get ready for bed, all of us tired from the long day. And tomorrow is going to be even more tiring.

The husband games: The janoskians edition | Wattys 2016 | completed Where stories live. Discover now