Chapter thirty three

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Chapter 33:

Olive's POV

With the ten of us still on stage, most of us silent, a few crying happy tears.

We all was shocked that we got through, to be honest I thought I would be returning home, but now being the top two for Luke, I just couldn't believe it.

It now came down to the boys' decision to pick one of us. Luke had to pick between me and Emily, and I know for a fact that if he doesn't pick me then I will be upset, but then after a few moments of calming down, I would be happy for my new friend and also for one of the three newest members of the Brooks family.

Condrey asked us all a few more questions, mostly on the lines of 'what are your thoughts about being one of the top two for your boy?' then after that we left and went up to our floors, me and Emily in the elevator, in silence, Emily was the closest to Faith and to see her leave so far into the games has hit her harder than myself.

Once up in our rooms, we both hopped into the shower, getting all the products our stylists used and washing off sweat from sitting in this big dress for a few hours. I then get out wrapping the only towel left in my bathroom, meaning that I would have to get someone to bring me a towel for the morning. The last towel being only small, it doesn't even go past my backside, but I just live with it and make my way into my bedroom to grab some clothes.

As soon as I go and grab some clothes from the bottom drawer, a voice makes me jump. I hold the towel tight to my body and turn around to face where the voice came from.

Once again, the same person who I made myself look like an idiot in front of, Cameron. "Olive" He says, looking down at my attire, he shakes his head and makes his way over to me, stopping one step from me. He looks as if he was going to say something else, when his phone rings, sighing he pulls out his phone and answers his call, pulling the mobile to his right ear. "Luke, buddy!" Oh fuck! Why is Luke phoning Cam? "Sorry mate, I'm busy"

"Wait, what?"


"Okay thanks, see you in the morning." Well then, I have no clue what Luke was saying. When he pulls the phone away, I hear words which make my gulp.

"Don't forget to wear protection! We don't want any little Dallas' running around!" Cameron, ends the call, putting his phone back into his pocket before looking at me, a cheeky smile on his lips.

"So, why have I got the pleasure of having you in my room?" I ask, taking a seat on my bed, still holding the tiny towel around my body.

"Well, I wanted to give you some luck for tomorrow, when Luke picks either you or – is it Emily?" I nod my head, saying he had the right name for the girl who is in the room across on the other hall. "I also wanted to see if you didn't win, maybe we could go on a date? Or if you do win we can still see each other but as friends, you know me and the Janoskians see each other often so we will see one another if you do win." I nod my head smiling.

"I don't know about the date, I mean, I could be getting married soon, well if Luke picks me other a beautiful girl like Emily." I sigh and look down at my only just covered thighs.

"Well, I will give you my number, and if you want to talk you can, just make sure you tell me it is you if you send me a message." He waves a little before walking to the door, he opens it and goes to walk out and just as he is about to close it behind him, he looks at me. "You are beautiful Olive, maybe even more than Emily." He then leaves, closing the as he goes.

I just look at the door, the door that Cameron Dallas just walked through, he even gave me his number. Shaking my head, I get up and go back to my drawers to get some clothes on.

Once in my pyjamas, I brush my hair and teeth before jumping on my bed, pulling the covers over my body, I then switch the light off, letting the darkness surround me. Letting my head it my pillow and my eyes close, my mind goes to places I would dream on going to.




Okay, so there will be maybe two more chapters, one about who wins then the epilogue.

Can't believe it nearly finished!! I also have seen that this book is at 1.8K reads! Thank you so much, I feel so happy that you like my writing. I love writing, I will carry on with my new books, such as the other Janoskians, 5SOS, 1D, and also my teen fictions. I don't know about doing a second book but, I will have to see if I can think of a story line for the next one first, I will let you know if there will be a sequel by the epilogue.

Again thanks for everything and don't forget to vote and comment!!


Alex xxx

The husband games: The janoskians edition | Wattys 2016 | completed Where stories live. Discover now