Chapter thirty

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Chapter 30:

Olive's POV

For the past half an hour I have been stuck in this dam room, with no lights, no sound, just the sound of my breathing.

When the large man escorted me out of the elevator he told me that I would have to wait in this room, on my own for a bit while they finished a few things, I wonder why they couldn't just give us more time to get ready, to prepare for the arena. But know they wanted us to sit in nearly a pitch black room, with only a chair in it, no window, nothing the only light source coming from the gab under the door and a small whole in the wall.

Sighing again I lean against the right side wall if you was facing into the room from the door. Leaning against it, apart of the wall caves in, quickly standing I take a step back, confusion written all over my face as something happens to the wall.

As I just stare, looking what's happening to the wall, I figure out that this is actually apart of the arena, apart of my challenge, picking up my piece of clothing I watch as the wall moves, making a gap in the middle, big enough for me to walk through.

Not wasting any second I start walking, the more I walk the lighter it becomes until I come to the end, I walk out and look at my new surroundings, taking everything in, trees reaching the sky, grass green, the sound of nature making me smile, making me think of home.

Looking where I just came from I see it closing back up, "well I can't go back now." I say to myself.

Not knowing what to do I just start walking, going further into the arena, who knows what I will find.

Exactly ten minutes later I come across something that looks awfully familiar, a house, my house, it can't be. Looking around again I see what they have made the arena, they have made each district, making each other's houses, but it can't be exactly a like inside can it?

Walking even closer to my home - can I even call it my home? I stop at the front door, taking a deep breath I open it, walking in, and looking around. The inside is exactly the same as my real home, it has the smell of a fresh lit fire, the small crackles of burning wood could be heard. Walking further in I see that the fire is and that on the couch it has a letter. This must say my challenge.


As you could have guessed, we have made a exact same house as yours meaning everything that you have at home will be here. We have selected this to be your challenge as well as the other girls to see their life's. If you walk into the kitchen you will see someone you haven't seen in quite a while since you came back into the games.

That someone will tell you the rest of your challenge.

Good luck, and may your pigs be ever dirty.

Placing the letter back down I walk into the kitchen and as soon as I see her I start running, she turns around and we pull each other into a tight embrace. "Mum!" I cry into her shoulder while holding her tightly not wanting to let go. "I've missed you so much!" I say to her while she just holds me. Soon we pull away and I see tears running down her cheeks.

"Olive, my baby, how have you been?" She asks holding my face in her hands.

"I am fine, I just have missed you so much."

"I know, I know Olive. But now I need to tell you your challenge that they have given you." She starts off before pulling me into the living room. We sit down, hand in hand as she starts to tell me my challenge. "You will be in this arena until you complete your challenge, the first two to finish from the three of you girls will stay, but the one who doesn't has to go home. So Olive, you need to walk out of here and walk into the centre and in the centre will be your challenge. You will need your choice of clothing and I would put it on, over your clothes when you get there." She finished before pulling me into a tight embrace. Holding her just as tight we let go and we stand. Walking over to the door we say our goodbyes, giving one another a hug before I walk back out of my home replica and into the centre, walking past other house replicas from my district and into the centre, where our names got called out for the games.

The husband games: The janoskians edition | Wattys 2016 | completed Where stories live. Discover now