Chapter seven

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When I woke up, I noticed that I was the first to wake up. Climbing out of my sleeping bag, I go and collect firewood. As I returned, I set up the fire, getting it to light up and begin searching for food for everyone to eat.

In the water, I see a few fish swimming round; I change into my bikini and slowly get into the water, to get a fish or two to share between the nine of us.

As I get into the water, I go to grab one of the fishes swimming round but miss, making it swim far away from me. Getting further into the water, I go for another fish, one that was quite big, maybe enough to feed us all. Going to reach it, I grab it but then its tail hits me and I drop it back into the water.

Cursing I go again for the fish but they all just swim away from me. I sit down next to the water letting my feet dangle into it. The fish swimming round peacefully now that I had gotten out.

After what seemed hours, I had gotten three fish out of the water and cooking over the fire. The girls have also started to wake up and started to sit around the fire waiting for something to eat to start the day.

When we all finished eating, they all packed away their sleeping bags and we put our backpacks onto our backs to go and find six more minions for the rest of us.

The nine of us leave the lake and walk around looking under bushes, trees leaves, anywhere where a minion could be hidden.

Time passes by and we are all tired from walking for about three hours. However, the six of us who have not yet found a minion know if we do not carry on looking for them we will not get through, we will be putting it into the hands of the public, who will vote for one of the girls who have not found a minion.

"Can we sit down" Kayleigh wines, everyone turns to look at each other and then to me, I just nod my head sighing.

"Yes we can, but not for too long because we still have to find six more minions before sundown, which is in about six hours" I say as I close my eyes as I lean my head against the tree.

I hear everyone else sit down and lean against a tree to rest our aching bones for a bit.

"Ow!" I hear one of the girls say, opening my eyes I look over to see Victoria rubbing her backside, she then bends back down and looks down. Victoria picks up something and looks at it. "I found a minion!" she screams happily, forgetting about her sitting on it before. Victoria begins jumping around a smile on her face, Ivy, Emily and Faith gets up too and starts jumping around as well.

I look over to Carey, Kendall, Ella and Kayleigh, all of them sighing that they have not found one yet.

After a bit when they calmed down, we got back up and started to look for five more minions. Everyone was looking including the girls who have already found one.

When we returned to the lake Kendall had found one by a log, near the water, where I was sat that morning. If I had turned my head to the side and looked down I would have found a minion, but I did not so Kendall had found one instead.

Looking up at the sky it seemed like we was running out of time, we had less than a hour left before the first challenge ends.

Time soon goes and the sun is going down slowly, we had just less than fifteen minutes until the first challenge will be over and I will be going home.

Ivy, Faith, Emily, Victoria and Kendall were talking together, all of them seemed to be happy, to have a minion; I just wish I had found one.

Me, Carey, Kayleigh and Ella was sat round the new fire as the flames danced around, the four of us fed up that we was going home in the matter of hours. Do not get me wrong it is great to go back home and to see my mum again, but I wish that I had found a minion getting me a place in the second arena for the games.

Minutes pass and the klaxon goes off indicating that the challenge is over.

"Girls, the first challenge is now over, and all the minions have been found by half of you, but the ones who haven't got one will go into the hands of the public. Who will go for a vote to see who will go through. Good luck and may your pigs be ever dirty." Says the same voice as before the games started.

After the voice stops talking, we are escorted out of the arena and into a room, Ivy, Faith, Emily, Victoria and Kendall was escorted to another room. The doors that we came in reopened and other girls came in, some crying and others just sad.

Meaning everyone in the room was the girls who had not found a minion in the three days of being in the first arena.

We all sit down, on the thirty three chairs dotted around the room. The room was silent except for the quite sobs heard from the girls crying, and the small sighing from others.

When the door opens once again a woman comes in dressed similar to what Steffie would wear. "Ladies, in about three hours the vote will take place where all the districts vote for the one girl they want to see go through, and after the vote which will end tomorrow the girls who didn't get the most votes will return home" she explains how the vote will happen.

She even tells us that when the vote has been done and the girl who the public has chosen, we get to say our goodbyes to the other girls, before we return to our district.

"Now we will take you to your floors you will be staying in tonight. You won't be mixing with the girls going through either." She then tells us to follower her, we follow her to a coach, what will be transporting us to where we will be staying tonight.

We all get on, the four of us getting on first and getting to the four back seats, we put on our seatbelts and then begin talking, talking about the vote, and seeing who we think is going to get the most votes on this coach.

The husband games: The janoskians edition | Wattys 2016 | completed Where stories live. Discover now